O'Brien's Lady - By Marsha Doss Page 0,11

were tired and limp at her sides. She had never experienced this kind of exhaustion in her life and hopefully, she never would again.

But she did. For the next few days, Michael repeated his routine of coming up to the house for her by seven and escorting her down to the stables where she worked with them to care for the animals.

The routine had expanded by a few hours, when she learned that the horses had to be groomed again after they were exercised. The black two-year old would be racing soon and he seemed to respond well to Billy. Michael explained that he would never be a Kentucky Derby winner, but with the training he had received, he would bring in a good share of wins to Pinebrook.

"She's just like her name, Fit n' Fancy," Billy explained as he mounted the black Thoroughbred.

"When will you ride her?" Sonny knew that Billy had been training for his first race.

"Soon as Will gets back with Tally Ho and Bright Fancy, we'll be heading with him over to Golden Gate Fields." Billy rubbed the dark horse's side affectionately.

"Is it tough, in the race Billy?" Sonny had always wondered what kind of pressure the jockey's must be under and how they handled their mounts so expertly.

"It won't be tough as long as I keep my head straight," he said confidently. "Main thing is to know what the horse can do, and this gal can out run em' all."

"I hope you're right." Although Sonny had never been to a race with her father, she could feel the excitement in Billy's voice.

Sonny had watched Fit n' Fancy working out and was in awe of her agility, but the horse that quickly became her favorite was Graceful Lady. She loved grooming her and watching the luster come into her deep chestnut coat. With all the routine care, Sonny

had lost most of her long fingernails. Finally she resolved to keep them short until she returned to Paris.

After lunch everyday, Sonny perched on the wood rail fence by the lush green grazing pasture and watched the animals that fed on the grass. They seemed so free her, she thought, and it occurred to her that they would make wonderful studies for pictures.

When Will O'Brien returned from his racing tour, he came back with several victories for Pinebrook. He was delighted to see Sonny and he looked just as she had remembered. His salt and pepper hair was as thick and wavy as Michael's and the heavy brows framed dark eyes and a weather-beaten face. He stood erect and spoke with the hint of the Irish accent that had never quite left both he and Katy.

"You've become a beauty," Will said as he bent down to kiss Sonny on the forehead. "Oust like Michael said."

Sonny's cheeks warmed at his remark. She wrapped her arms around Will and held him tightly, afraid for a moment to let go. She wanted to talk with him about her father's death and the circumstances that led to his strange will, but she knew that would be intruding on Michael's close relationship with his own father.

"You look good," Sonny said as she held him at arm's length. "Michael tells me you're traveling a lot these days and letting him manage things back here."

"That's right," Will answered. "I've done all I could do with the training and now it's Michael's turn. He has such a way with the horses you know, that your father and I just let him take over."

Indeed they did Sonny thought.

So that explained how Michael had worked his way into his father's will. He had made himself indispensable and when his own father stepped aside, that left him in charge. Sonny should have guessed that it was all that simple, right from the start.

"Did you know about Michael's being named as half owner of Pinebrook?" Sonny asked the question in a cautious way, not wanting to show her feelings of resentment to Michael's father.

Will's eyebrows formed into a frown and he shook his head. "No, and it came as a big surprise, you can be sure."

"I'm surprised my father hadn't mentioned it to you beforehand."

"Oh, I don't know about that, Sonny. Your father was a dear friend, but he kept some of his business to himself.

"Will, you know how I've always felt about this place." Sonny watched Michael's father as he carefully pulled the worn pipe from the pocket of his shirt. He lit the end, stuck between his teeth, and

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