Norma Jean - By Amanda Heath Page 0,35

up in our lives. Apparently she was on my Facebook page and I had no idea. The woman has known me my whole life and probably hacked into my account and added herself. To say we were surprised doesn’t even begin to cover it. She definitely looked so much better than the last time I laid eyes on her.

She has the same color auburn hair I do. Her eyes are also hazel but they are harder and have seen more shit than I ever want too. She had been in rehab for the past six months. Turns out dad had paid for it and mom knew. They didn’t see the need to tell me. I couldn’t be mad at them because I had my older sister back. She used to be my best friend when we were younger, I truly missed her.

It took Macy only a week to start calling her mom. Cassie burst into happy tears and I have to admit I might have shed one or two. It took so much pressure off of my mom, Cassie coming back. It also means I don’t have to worry about anything up at Fayetteville. I’m excited to leave this place behind. Of course I’ll miss my family, but I won’t miss the memories. Though that doesn’t make a lick of sense. I carry every single one of those memories engraved on my brain. I think she will always be there. Always haunting me with her violet eyes and heart shaped lips. Things I won’t ever get to see again, won’t ever get to touch again.

“Yo little bro, let’s go!” Cassie yells from the front door.

I pick my last bag up off the floor and take one last look around my room. My eyes go straight to the bed where I spent that first night with Norma. My heart clenches and I turn towards the door fighting back the injustice of it all.

“Coming!” I yell back at her. I hear Macy giggling as I step off the last step and I smile. I’m gonna miss that laugh, those eyes, that hair, but mostly just her.

“Bout time, I thought you might have changed yo damn mind!” Cassie chuckles holding Macy on her hip. She looks good, actually being a mother. I know one day she will have to explain why she wasn’t around the first year of Macy’s life, but at least she got herself turned around before it was too late.

“Nope.” I kiss Macy’s cheek as I walk past them and out the door. Mom insisted on going with me, so of course Cassie and Macy had to tag along. Though I nearly drop my shit when I see my dad standing outside with my mom. “What?” I kind of mumble.

“He decided he needed to be a good dad today. What a fucking joke.” Cassie rolls her eyes before putting on a fake smile and striding towards him and mom.

I sigh and head towards my truck to throw in my bag. After that I head back over to my dad and almost cringe as he pulls out his hand to shake mine. “Proud of you son. Going to a good college, gonna make something of yourself.” He nods the whole time he says this like he wants to believe it but can’t. Whatever I don’t have time for this.

“Thanks.” I put my hand in his and pull it right back out. I always see him having sex with Mary Beth on my parent’s bed when I touch him. It literally makes me want to puke. It’s no wonder I waited to have sex, after seeing this ugly old man going at it, it’s enough to make anyone not horny forever.

“You go up there and do us proud boy.” He steps closer to me and I flinch hearing his grunts in my mind. “Don’t be chasing tail, either. You get a degree then you can work on finding a good wife.”

“Yeah dad.” I tell him hopping from one foot to the other, impatient. I want to get as far away from him as I can.

“Now that Norma is out of the picture, you don’t have anything keeping you back. Proud of you boy. Don’t need a girl like that around anyway. She will only bring you down.” My head whips to look at his face so fast I think I pulled a muscle in my neck.

I clench my fist until my knuckles are white. I unclench trying to release my anger. “Excuse Copyright 2016 - 2024