Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,11

and he’d simply be in this zone, wrapped up in lust and pleasure, forever. With Ryan moving into him, faster and faster, stroking his thighs and whispering encouraging words as he positioned Braxton almost bent in half so he could drive in even deeper.

Without warning, the sensations rolled over Braxton, bursting from the base of his spine as he came, shouting and shaking as spurts of cum hit his chest. He clenched and Ryan cursed, slamming in one last time and gripping Braxton’s hips as his dick pulsed within.

He leaned heavily on Braxton’s legs, letting out a rough laugh before letting his dick slip free from his ass. “No control, but I showed less than I usually do, so I can't complain. Next time I won’t be so generous though.” He removed the condom, put it in the foil package, and tossed it in the trash under the nightstand. “We’ll see how long you can last.”

With a sleepy smile, Braxton pulled himself up to rest his head on the pillows. “So you’re not kicking me out yet?”

“No. I told you, we have one night.” Ryan lay down beside him, leaning over to kiss him, idly stroking his side. “And I’m not close to done with you.”

Chapter 3

After lazing around in bed far longer than he’d usually allow himself, Ryan quietly slipped away from Braxton, biting back a laugh when the young man rolled over and hugged his pillow tight. Damn, those disheveled, light brown curls, that slightly tanned, flawless skin, those thick lashes resting on cheeks that had the faintest touch of freckles…Ryan couldn’t lie to himself, Braxton looked good in his bed. Yes, he wanted to fuck him again, but that wasn’t why he hadn’t handed him cab fare yet.

Maybe he’d been working too much and the company was nice. Hell, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent time with anyone outside of work. Sure, he had lunch with his sister now and then, but Laura being an officer at the same station meant they didn’t talk about much besides work and her relationship.

He was happy for her, he really was, but he couldn’t imagine managing his job and a person who’d expect time and attention every single day. Or even a few times a week. He’d tried dating, years ago, and no matter how much effort he’d put in it hadn’t been enough. He’d figured dating another detective would be easier, that since they both knew the lifestyle their limited time together would be special. And it had been special to him.

To Detective Simon Ackman, limited time and being closeted meant an opportunity to…explore his other options. How fucking cliché that Ryan had caught Simon fucking some random guy on a night he’d finished early and showed up to surprise his boyfriend.

Almost two years of trying to find a balance between work and a relationship, only to have it thrown in his face that Simon needed more. Of course, he should have communicated as much—Ryan refused to take all the blame for how badly things had ended between them—but the point was, after being hurt and angry, he realized he simply didn’t have the time or energy to invest in the kind of relationship he wanted.

He’d have known he couldn’t trust Simon if he’d treated him like he did the subs he played with at the clubs. They’d only done light kink though and Ryan hadn’t had the experience he’d developed since. Five year later and whenever he saw Simon he wondered how he’d missed how fake the man’s smile was. The way his gaze shifted before he told lie after lie to make himself look good. How he strategically made friends and used them for his own gain.

For two years he’d managed to hide that side of himself from Ryan.

Or maybe Ryan had been so infatuated with the idea of being in love he’d refused to see it. He wasn’t that man anymore and never would be again.

Spending a few hours making sure a sub wasn’t being honest with his limits and emotions was one thing and he only allowed himself to play that way once or twice a month. Picking up someone for a quick, no-strings-attached fuck was simpler.

Except when it came to someone like Braxton. Because he could see himself enjoying Braxton at the club. Drawing out his submissive side, working over that body Ryan couldn’t tear his eyes away from with a flogger, tying him up and edging him until he was crying Copyright 2016 - 2024