Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,10

well, pressing against me and letting me in, but you’re tightening up now. Relax and let me have you. You won’t regret it.”

Relaxing was almost impossible when he was this turned on, but Ryan’s voice, the control in his tone, settled him into the rhythm of his deepening touch. Ryan rewarded him by adding more lube and pressing his fingers in all the way, curving them until he hit a spot that tore a cry from Braxton’s throat.

The pleasure was deep and intense and not moving got even harder. His eyes teared as he fought the urge, gasping as Ryan focused on that one spot.

“Pleasepleaseplease!” Braxton wasn’t even sure what he was begging for, only that he was going to come and he wanted more than Ryan’s fingers inside him when he did. “Stop… Don’t…Please…”

“Shh, just a little more. You’re almost there.”

Another finger. Braxton’s whole body jerked. Precum spilled over the head of his dick. A rush of sensations gathered as his balls lifted and his muscles tensed.

Ryan circled the base of his dick, and beneath his balls, with his thumb and forefinger, making a tight ring that held back the release that had been so close. He’d let go of Braxton’s wrists, but there was no way Braxton could move now. He was locked in the fierce grip of heightened arousal, nothing but Ryan’s hold keeping him from falling apart.

“Deep breath. There you go. You’re lucky I’ve decided to play nice.” Ryan’s tone took on a wicked edge as he languidly fucked Braxton with three fingers, still gripping his cock. “I’d love to teach you to hold back on your own. To wait for me to let you come. If I decided to at all.”

That sounded painful. And scary. And amazing. Giving Ryan that kind of control over him? Fuck, he’d do anything to make that his new reality. To know he could have this and more, long after tonight.

Maybe…maybe he could. Maybe Ryan was saying that because his resolve was fading. If Braxton pleased him, this wouldn’t be the end.

Rising up, Ryan drew out of Braxton and shoved down his jeans. He grabbed a condom, rolling it on, then slicking his dick with lube. “You should see how fucking hot your shiny little hole looks. Fuck…” He pressed the head of his dick against Braxton’s ass. “Still so tight. Do you think you can take me, Braxton? Press back like you did before. Let me see that ass open for me.” He lifted Braxton’s knees, hooking them over his forearms as he eased in a bit more. “The next time I fuck you, it will be hard and fast. But now, I want you to feel every inch of me filling you up. Do you feel it, pet? How hard you make me?”

Braxton couldn’t make his mouth form words. The stretching, the pressure, the heat of Ryan inside him stole the ability to do more than absorb each erotic sensation as his body adjusted. When Ryan stopped moving, Braxton gaped up at him, panting.

“Tell me, Braxton. I want to hear how much you like being my little slut for the night. How much you want me to use this tight ass.”

Licking his lips, Braxton nodded. He wasn’t sure how Ryan made ‘slut’ sound like such a good thing. Wasn’t sure why his chest tightened when he’d called him ‘pet’. But he wanted it all. And he knew he had to say something to get it.

“I want you to use it until I can’t feel anything besides you. Until you’ve marked every part of me and I can’t imagine being a slut for anyone else.” He groaned as Ryan drew out, then pressed back in, stretching him more. “Oh God, your dick feels incredible. I need it. I need it all.”

Ryan made a soft, please sound. “You’ll have it, but I’m enjoying the view.” He lifted Braxton’s legs higher, to his shoulders, freeing his hands to curve under Braxton’s ass, spreading his cheeks as he kept his gaze fixed on where his dick slid in further. “You’re made for this. Fuck, I’m going to pound this ass so hard before I’m done with you.”

“Don’t be. I’m yours for as long as you want me.”

“I know.” Ryan drew out, added lube yet again, then let his dick glide in all the way. “Perfect. So fucking perfect.”

The burn was gone, leaving behind nothing but a fullness and heat and pressure, driving Braxton higher and higher as though there was no limit Copyright 2016 - 2024