Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,9

and rich browns, the furniture solid and efficient, wood and metal, meant to last. A hint of cologne lingered in the air, a deep, musky undertone with a warm aroma he couldn’t quite define, but breathed in every time he was close to Ryan. A scent that reminded him of cool nights sitting close to a campfire, the ocean in the distance along with the leaves and the trees all combining to make every inhale part of an experience that stayed with him long after he’d returned to his real life. Just thinking of the scent could trigger a wonderful memory.

After tonight, he had a feeling the memory would change to include the man who drew him to his bed and eased him onto the soft, forest green comforter.

Laying over him, hands braced by his shoulders, Ryan smiled. “Much better. Are you comfortable?”

“Very.” Braxton closed his eyes as Ryan’s lips drifted down his neck, then to his collarbone where a flick of his tongue sent a shiver of pleasure along every nerve. He tried to hold still as Ryan continued down to his chest, but he needed more. His dick was painfully hard. Ryan taking his time was driving him insane. He bit back a smile, keeping his tone light. “I could take a nap right now. Your bed is awesome.”

Lifting his head, Ryan gave him a dark look. “Ah, so you’re a bit of a brat, are you? If I had more time I’d punish you for trying to rush me, but instead I’m going to make you decide what happens next.”

“But…” All right, that was not what Braxton wanted. He’d thought teasing Ryan a bit would be fun. Instead, he’d gotten all the pressure back on him. And Ryan had stopped kissing him and was just…waiting. He groaned and shook his head. “I loved you fucking my mouth and seeing you so close to losing control. I want to know I can do that to you. That you want me so much you can’t hold back.”

Ryan’s lips slanted. “I never lose control, Braxton. But if you think I don’t want to fuck you right now, you’re wrong. I simply want to make sure you’re ready.”

Swallowing hard, Braxton considered what would happen if he told Ryan he didn’t need him to be so careful. If he told him he was ready.

He met Ryan’s eyes. “I am.”

Pushing away from him, Ryan reached over to slide open a drawer on his nightstand. He grabbed an open box of condoms and a bottle of lube, dropping them on the bed at Braxton’s side. “Have you played with your ass before Braxton? Or let anyone else do it?”

Cheeks burning, Braxton shook his head. His pulse quickened as his dick gave another painful throb.

“A shame, I think you’d enjoy it.”

“Aren’t you going to—”

“Yes, impatient one. But if you’re going to enjoy this, I have to prepare you.” Ryan’s tone was rough as he opened the lube and pressed Braxton’s thighs apart with his own. “Look at that tight little hole. I can’t wait to stretch you open around me. Let’s see how much you can take.”

Gaze fixed on Braxton’s face, Ryan stroked one slick finger around his rim, smirking when Braxton tensed and hissed in a sharp breath. The sensation was like nothing he’d ever felt before. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to jerk away or press forward.

He did neither. His whole body shook as he focused on Ryan, lips parting as Ryan’s finger eased in.

“Oh fuck…” The slight burn didn’t distract from the pleasure. If anything, intensified it. The need, the excitement, the desire to make sure Ryan enjoyed him in every way. “Should I move?”

The question seemed to please Ryan, because his eyes warmed. “No. Lift your arms above your head and clasp your hand to your wrist. You’re mine right now, Braxton. I’ll enjoy toying with you for a bit. I don’t think it’ll take much to get you begging.”

At first, Braxton tried to obey, but as Ryan eased his finger in and out, keeping his hands in place got harder. As a second finger joined the first he reached down and grabbed Ryan’s shoulders, lifting his hips to take him in deeper.

Ryan swiftly grabbed his hands, shoving them back and holding his wrist in a firm grip as he maintained the steady pace of his fingers penetrating Braxton’s ass. He used the pressure of his body on Braxton’s thighs to open him more, while holding him still.

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