Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,12

and begging in that sweet voice of his.

Which will never happen.

At the BDSM club Ryan only scened with experienced subs—for the same reason he avoided taking home gaybies with more hormones than common sense. Braxton had needed this though. Needed the kind of experience that made having to hide who he was were a little easier to bear. From what Ryan knew of the hockey team the young man likely played for, The Dartmouth Cobras, there were enough players out and proud that it should’ve been easy for Braxton to claim his identity.

Why hadn’t he?

Not the kind of question you can ask without confusing the kid. Keep it about sex. Set his standards high. He’ll be better for it.

A bit arrogant to think he’d have that kind of impact, but he honestly hoped he would. Braxton was a good guy. He deserved to be happy.

No harm in letting him rest a bit before enjoying the bit of time they had left, though. Ryan left the room quietly, taking a quick shower before heading to the kitchen in his thick black robe to grab a beer. He’d gone to the club not expecting to have more than one drink, since he’d driven there, but now that he was home and overthinking absolutely everything, he could afford to mellow out.

He was just starting to feel the pleasant buzz as he polished off one beer and opened another when Braxton padded into the room. Completely naked.

Ryan’s lips curved. Not only was Braxton fucking nice too look at, but if he had been Ryan’s submissive, this was how he’d be every time they were alone. That he’d come by the urge naturally messed with Ryan’s determination to remain detached.

“Sorry for passing out on you. I didn’t mean to waste the whole night sleeping.” Braxton rested his hip against the edge of the table, close enough for Ryan to grab him, without being so close he demanded attention. His expression was soft, as though he was still half-asleep. “Do you mind if I have one?”

Inclining his head and motioning to the fridge, Ryan kept his eyes on Braxton as he made his way over, the muscles in his tight, round ass making Ryan’s mouth water. It took all his strength to remain in his seat when all he had to do was take two long strides across the room, pin Braxton against the closest hard surface, and slide his already fully recovered dick into that snug heat.

Instead, he waited for Braxton to pull out the only other chair at the small, round oak table and lifted his bottle in silent cheers. “No need to be sorry, I intended to wear you out.” His lips slid into a smug smile as pink stained Braxton’s cheeks. “I’m pleased that I succeeded.”

“You should be. Usually takes at least a few shifts on the ice before I’m ready to slow down.” Braxton took a long gulp of beer, then ducked his head. “As for sex, I’ve never been…well, after I’m just restless. I like knowing the girl enjoyed herself, but I feel bad pretending I did too.”

“Then stop.” All right, that was enough beer. Ryan wouldn’t help the young man by pretending things were that simple. But he couldn’t help being frustrated at what Braxton was telling him. “I understand that you have an image to uphold, but does that really need to involve using women as some kind of front? They deserve better and so do you.”

Nodding slowly, Braxton stared at his bottle. “I know, but I thought…” He sighed. “I have this friend and we’ve fooled around with some girls together. And I enjoy myself a lot when he’s there. I figured if I kept doing that, it would be okay.”

“But it hasn’t been.”

“No. He just thinks I like it and doesn’t know I was into him and after tonight I’m thinking…it wasn’t about him at all.” Lifting his shoulders, Braxton wet his lips with his tongue and met Ryan’s eyes. “Not that I wasn’t attracted to him, I totally was. But he was safe and I could pretend I didn’t want more.”

“Now you know you do.” Ryan reached out and took hold of Braxton’s wrist, stroking along his pulse. “That’s good. And I hope you remember that.”

Lips curving slightly, Braxton shrugged again. “After my nap, the memory is a bit fuzzy.”

Ryan spat out a laugh. Fuck, this was fun. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had this much fun talking to someone when there was Copyright 2016 - 2024