Murderville Page 0,40

and saw that it was a couple ticks before noon, the time when they were supposed to meet Samad. Just like clockwork, the sound of the front door opening and closing echoed through the mansion and moments later a slim, athletic Arabic man came walking into the room. He had on a Nike jogging suit and a towel was draped around his neck. Sweat dripped from his brow as he approached them, wiping his forehead.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen,” he said as he approached them with a smile and extended hand. Baron and A’shai stood up and both of them were surprised at Samad’s youthfulness. He looked to be in his early thirties. To be that young in that position of power was very surprising. “Excuse my dress attire; I just finished my daily jog,” Samad said as he smiled.

“No problem. Pleasure to meet you,”’ Baron said as he was the first to shake Samad’s hand. “This is my son, Shai,” Baron said as he opened his shoulder towards his son. Samad shook Baron’s hand with a smile and then looked towards A’shai and did the same.

“Please have a seat,” Samad said as he walked around the glass coffee table and took a seat. His butler brought him bottled water and he immediately opened it up and took a sip. He then opened up negotiations. “I’ve heard great things about you, Baron,” Samad said as he sat back and got comfortable.

“Likewise,” Baron replied as he studied Samad’s movements, trying to read him. A’shai, like always, just sat back and watched a master at work. Baron was a genius at mental chess and negotiations; always choosing his words and actions carefully.

“You made a lot of people unhappy with your move against Bonzi,” Samad said.

“Well, it was time for a change. I stand behind my decision, and I always will,” Baron said firmly, not having any regrets and prepared for anything that came from his decision to knock off a boss.

“He was a racist prick anyway,” Samad said lightening up the mood. Samad actually was happy that Baron had done what he did. Baron only got rid of the competition for him, which meant more clients for him. “That mishap brought you here, so I’m not complaining,” he added.

“Right. That’s how I see it too,” Baron said.

“So let’s get down to business. I know you didn’t fly across the country to shoot the shit, my friend,” Samad stated.

“Indeed,” Baron said as he clasped his hands and leaned forward, interested in what was about to be said.

“Coke is your game, right? I will give you kilos of the purest fish scale in the country for sixteen a key,” Samad said as he rubbed his rubble light beard. Baron immediately liked the sound of the price because he had been paying sixteen-five with Bonzi for years. Being the businessman that he was, Baron still attempted to negotiate so that he could get the best price possible.

“How about fifteen a key, and we will buy one hundred per month . . . consistently?”

“I can’t do that. That’s too low.” Samad said as rubbed his hands together. “I can go fifteen-five, but that’s the lowest I can go.”

Baron liked the sound of that price and just as he was about to answer, A’shai sat up and stepped in. “We are going to pass but thanks for your time,” he said with a no-nonsense expression on his face. He extended his hand for Samad and stood up. What the fuck are you doing? Baron thought as he scolded his son in his head. He was silently cursing A’shai but Baron’s facial expression never changed. He also stood up as he wondered what his son had up his sleeve. Samad shook his hand and then Baron’s as they ended the meeting abruptly. A’shai turned to head out and Baron followed. “I don’t what the hell you’re doing, but it better work,” Baron whispered as they headed to the door. Baron was totally taken off guard as he thought about the great price Samad had just given them.

“Trust me, Pops. We won’t make it to the door,” A’shai whispered back as he put his business skills on full display for his father. A’shai thought about the fact that Samad needed them and not the other way around. A’shai thought about how Samad had gotten in touch with Baron as soon as he heard about Bonzi’s death. He also thought about how Samad had flown them out just to have a sit-down Copyright 2016 - 2024