Murderville Page 0,39

“How does it feel to be nearing the finish line?” Baron asked referring to A’shai’s upcoming graduation from college in a couple of weeks.

“It feels good. I just have finals next week, and I will be done. It’s been a long time coming,” he answered as he also received a glass from the stewardess.

“I’m proud of you. You are making your mother so happy by getting that degree. I always knew you were going to be special. You had the eye of the tiger even as a young boy,” Baron said as he took a sip of his drink and gave A’shai his infamous smile. Baron always could light up a room with his smile. It was always sincere and real. People felt that from him.

“Thanks Pop,” A’shai replied modestly.

“Now, you are coming to a forked road in your life. You can take the business world by storm, and I know you will be successful in anything you put your mind to. The other option is to follow in my footsteps. I know morally it would be right for me to tell you to leave the streets alone and fly straight. But your pops is a smart man. I know the streets are harsh, and I would much rather you not make it a career. But I also know that you’re going to do what you want to do regardless of what direction I want you to go in. I just want to let you know that I have your back in anything that you do. If you want to be a Wall Street banker . . . I’m with you. And if you want to move coke . . . I’m going to show you how to do it the right way. It’s all on you,” Baron said, dropping his adopted son some mental gems.

A’shai smiled and loved his father’s gangster. He knew that Baron wasn’t one to judge and would ride for him on any decision he made.

“You know what I want?” A’shai asked as he looked into his father’s eyes, returning the stare.

“No, son. I don’t know. Tell me. What do you want?” Baron asked as he sat up and looked A’shai straight in the eyes.

“I want to be like you. That’s all I know,” A’shai said just before he downed the liquor.

Baron nodded his head slowly and knew at that point that he had created a monster and there was no turning back for A’shai.

After a four hour flight they felt the jet begin its descent over the city of angels. The palm trees were visible beneath them as soon as they crossed the city’s limits, and it was a far cry from Detroit’s dilapidated scene. Samad, Baron’s new coke connect, had arranged for a limo to pick them up. As soon as they landed a chauffeur was waiting at the clear port for them at the bottom of the steps. Quickly Baron and A’shai exited the jet, looking like they had just stepped out of a GQ magazine. The Italian threaded suits, designer loafers, and natural swagger made them look like street royalty. Just as quickly as they entered the limo, they were pulling off on their way to meet the notorious West Coast drug kingpin . . . Samad Sadat.

Baron was impressed as he walked into Samad’s mansion. The marble floors and wrap around porcelain stairs were immaculate to say the least. It would be his first time meeting Samad face to face, but they both were well familiar with each other off their reputations for moving weight. They had been involved in a few business deals through their various mutual contacts in the past, but this time the two bosses would come in contact personally. The butler escorted them to the spacious living room where marble stone accented the Italian leather furniture.

“Please, have a seat. Samad will join you shortly,” the elderly Caucasian butler said as he waved his hands over the sectional sofa. Baron nodded and took a seat. A’shai followed suit and sat next to Baron. They both looked around and admired the palace that Samad called home.

Baron planned on letting the drug game go and intended to pass the crown down to him. After hearing that A’shai wanted to follow his path, he decided right then that this trip would be his last on any drug business. Baron looked over at A’shai and knew that he was leaving the game in good hands. Baron looked down at his Movado watch Copyright 2016 - 2024