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with him. A’shai’s business savvy was beginning to peak its head and A’shai hoped like hell that his plan would work.

“Hold up!” Samad yelled as he thought about how much money he was potentially letting walk away. “Deal!” he yelled as he smiled, knowing that A’shai was a young shark. A’shai smiled and winked at his father as they turned around. A’shai approached Samad with his hand out and they shook.

“I want it for fourteen-five,” A’shai said knowing that he had Samad wrapped around his finger.

“Deal. You have a shark for a son. The two of you have to come back out and join me at The Gentleman’s Ball. It’ll be a great way to kick off this business friendship,” Samad said as he looked at Baron and shook his hand. Baron smiled and looked on at his protégé. Baron hadn’t been to The Gentleman’s Ball in years and he figured it would be a great way to introduce his son to the heads of the underworld.

“We’ll be there,” Baron replied. It was the perfect rite of passage for A’shai, and he would establish many contacts at the exclusive event. He knew at that moment that A’shai was built for this game and was on his way to being the boss of all bosses in due time.


LIBERTY PULLED HER AUDI A8 UP TO the Geisha House sushi bar in Hollywood and stepped out of the car. It had been two months and life was obviously good. She was in high demand at the brothel and had quickly stacked enough money to live comfortably. The first thing she had purchased was a brand new vehicle. She paid the foreign whip off in full . . . not even realizing that she didn’t know how to drive it until it was time for her to pull it off the lot. She quickly learned with the help of Abia, and the vehicle became her most prized possession. She had a fetish for the finer things. Because she had never had anything, now that she could afford it . . . she wanted to buy everything and as she walked into the popular restaurant she felt accomplished and as if no one could touch her.

She gave her name to the hostess, knowing that her date was already seated and awaiting her presence. As she walked across the room, most heads couldn’t help but to turn her way. She was killing the dress she wore . . . the fabric fitting her curvaceous body like a glove. She spotted her date and gave him a smile as he stood to welcome her. He pulled out her chair for her and she pecked him on the cheek before she sat down.

“Good evening, handsome,” she greeted.

“You look beautiful, Liberty,” he replied.

“Flattery will get you everywhere, your honor,” she whispered over the candle-lit table.

Judge Collin Bridges had presided over the federal district in L.A. for the past twenty years. A 60-year-old gentleman, he was quite attractive with his salt-and-pepper beard that he wore neatly trimmed. Everything about him was distinguished and there was nothing more attractive to Liberty than established money. Judge Bridges radiated confidence and power. A widower and father of two adult children, he lived a lonely life. The women at the brothel had become the companions that he chose to keep time with. Liberty had been instructed to treat him very well. He had requested her in particular because after seeing her portfolio, she had sparked his interest.

“So how much is a night with someone like you going to cost me?” he asked.

“$5,000,” Liberty answered. “I’m worth every penny though.”

The judge smiled and sat back as he took her all in. He had been with many women in his day, but Liberty was a rare beauty. There was something about her that stood out amongst the masses. It was more in the way that she carried herself than in her actual looks. He watched as she picked up her champagne flute . . . so graceful as if she were a prima ballerina and life was her stage.

“I’m sure you are,” he replied. “So where are you from?” he asked.

Liberty could tell that the judge was there for companionship. She had learned to read her clients and to provide them with whatever void they were missing in their lives. Whether it be a night of mind-blowing sex or just a listening ear, Liberty could provide her men with all that their hearts desired as long Copyright 2016 - 2024