More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,93

up at first. I don’t think he saw this coming.

“Did you hear what your son said,” Lennon spewed, getting in our father’s face.

“I heard him.” Dad pushed to his feet. “Get fucking over it. I’m doing what’s best for both of you and Exiled. If that means hurting your feelings a little, so be it.”

“Hurting our feelings? You paid a psychopath to make up lies. You arranged an interview on a major network to blow up your own son. And then you offered to help him when you were the one pulling the strings. Are you that far gone that you can’t see how fucked up this is?” Lennon said.

Our father pushed him back, his face bright red. “All this for a girl, huh?”

I moaned and opened the door. I couldn’t have the same conversation again with this man.

“I’m done talking to you,” I said.

He stopped in front of me. We were eye level. “She told you we met, huh? I bet she didn’t tell you everything. Probably because she’s still deciding, you dumb fuck. I offered your girl a shit ton of money. Did she tell you that? I bet she didn’t, did she?”

The room spun. Nothing seemed to add up the day that Jade said she’d run into my father. But she’d never lie to me. No fucking way.

“The day you ran into her when you were meeting with the dean. Yeah, she told me you asked her to break up with me, you selfish prick. Don’t fucking even say her name in my presence, do you hear me?” I was shouting now, and my hands were fisted at my sides. Lennon came to stand beside me.

“She left out quite a bit of our conversation, Cruz. You see, everyone can be bought. Everyone has a number. I didn’t run into her. I was waiting for her outside her classroom. She agreed to sit down and hear me out. I offered her a million dollars to walk away. She didn’t tell you that, did she? Not as honest as you thought.” He paused to study me. “I didn’t think so. You see, it was a test. I knew if she ran to you saying I’d offered her money, you’d come after me. But you never did. Looks like everyone has secrets. And everyone has a price. Hers is five mil. Seems I didn’t go high enough in my first offer.”

I launched at him, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the door. “You piece of shit. Why? Why are you trying to fuck up my life?”

Luke and Adam came running down the hall, as I had my father pressed up against the door.

I tightened my grasp before he finally spoke. “Because I can.”

That was all he said.

Because I can.

My father was the devil. But that wasn’t news to me. What was news to me was that my girlfriend had lied to me. And I couldn’t wrap my head around it.

I let go of my father and stormed out of the room. Past everyone. I took the stairs and headed down to the lobby. I needed to get out of here. I called an Uber and walked out to the street. I could hear my brother right behind me, and I paused as I opened the door.

“Let me go, Lennon. I need to think. Have Zach go on stage. I can’t do it tonight. I need to deal with my shit, okay?”

My brother’s gaze was wet with emotion. “The man is a pathological liar. Call her. This isn’t true and you know it. Don’t let him win, Cruz. And, don’t worry about the show. We’re fine.”

I nodded and got in the car and gave the driver the address. I FaceTimed Jade from the back seat. I needed to see her eyes when I asked her.

“Hey, are you getting ready for the show?” she said when she answered, dropping to sit on her bed as boxes were scattered all around her room.

“I need to ask you something.”

Her face grew serious. “Of course. What’s wrong?”

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