More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,92


As long as I was with Cruz.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I pulled my hoodie over my head and made my way to the waiting car. It was pouring rain in Austin, and the gray skies only added to the dreariness of the day. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see Luke and Lennon.

A sick feeling settled in my stomach.

What fucking now?

I slid into the seat beside Luke. “Is there a problem?”

“Well, we’ve finally got answers. Unfortunately, your father was at the center of everything,” Luke said.

“Fuck. I should have fucking known.” I leaned back against the seat and ran a hand through my hair. “What about Dex?”

“Dex completed a sixty-day program a while back and is living in Chicago near his family. There is nothing tracing him to this at all,” Luke said.

“Farah admitted everything. Mom’s attorneys met with her today. Dad’s been paying her. He came up with the plan and fed her to the media. It was actually someone on his team that set up the interview with Laurel Hayes. That’s why she thought it was true. Because our father fed her the story.” Lennon’s face was red, and he shook his head with disgust.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out.

“Speak of the devil.” I held up my phone.

Dad ~ I just landed in Austin. I think I can get Laurel Hayes to cancel the interview. Let’s meet and discuss.

“What did he say?” Luke asked.

“He’s here. Still trying to manipulate the situation.”

“We threatened a lawsuit if Farah or Laurel Haye’s people spoke to your father before we did. So, I’m guessing he’s coming in blind. You want me to meet with him?” Luke asked.

“No. I think Lennon and I can handle this.”

Me ~ Meet me at the hotel.

Dad ~ See you in 30 minutes. We can figure this out, Son.

What a sick son of a bitch. He was still going to sell me this bullshit.

Lennon and I made our way to my room and waited for our father to show up.

“What a fucking asshole,” Lennon spewed. “He offered you help when he was the motherfucker paying her off. Again. What is wrong with this man?”

“He’s an addict with endless resources. He has no boundaries nor respect for anyone.”

There was a knock on the door, and I opened it, and our father stepped inside.

“Nice. It’s a two for one. That’s even better,” Dad said, dropping to sit on the couch in the living area of the suite. “You going to offer me a drink? I am here to save your ass.”

“Nope.” I pulled a chair from the dining table, and slid it in front of him, so I could face the asshole head-on.

Lennon stood, rocking back and forth on his feet.

“How are you going to save my ass, exactly?” I asked, using my hands to form a teepee as I watched the asshole spin his lies.

“I’m a powerful man, Cruz. Learn from me.”

I chuckled. “No thanks.”

“You don’t want this to go away?”

“I know you were behind it all. What I can’t figure out is why you keep meeting with me to offer to help? So you can look like the hero? Or is it so you can blackmail me to stay in Exiled? Either way, it’s over. Farah will not be talking about me any longer, or she will be hit with more lawsuits than she can deal with. She turned on your ass. Showed us her bank accounts with the money you transferred. Laurel Hayes admitted you’d set the interview up. She also wants nothing to do with this bullshit, nor the lawsuits that would follow. You’re done, you arrogant fuck. And I’m done with you,” I said, pushing to my feet and walking toward the door.

I’d said what I needed to say. I didn’t want to waste one more minute of my energy on this man.

He remained silent and didn’t get Copyright 2016 - 2024