More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,91

I held up my fake diploma and waved as I walked back to my seat.

I can feel you here with me, Mom.

I shouldn’t be surprised. She’d always been there. Through all my ups and downs.

And today was definitely an up.

By far, one of the best days of my life.

We’d spent the day celebrating. Dad had taken everyone out for pizza and beer after the commencement. Juliette was a trooper. I don’t think pizza and beer were her normal celebratory meal, but she rolled with it like a champ.

Cruz and I headed back to my house, and I was happy we finally had a minute to ourselves.

“When you walked across the stage, I was secretly picturing you naked under your gown,” Cruz said when I dropped down on my bed.

“Shut up. No, you weren’t.” I laughed.

He jumped on the bed and propped himself above me. “I speak the truth. It’s all I could think about until they called your name.”

I rolled my eyes, my face sore from how much I’d smiled today. “And then what?”

“Well, then I remembered your father was sitting beside me. I mean, he whistled so loud I was pretty fucking sure I’d lose my hearing.”

I smacked his chest. “You’re ridiculous.”

“I’m ridiculously proud of you.”

He leaned down and kissed me before I pushed him back and rolled on my side to face him.

“Don’t distract me. We have so much to discuss before you leave in the morning,” I said.

“I wish you were coming with me.” Cruz pushed the hair back from my face.

“Give me one day, and I’ll get this place packed up and be on a plane to see you.”

“Promise?” he teased.


“We should have all the Farah Clearwater bullshit behind us. My mom’s attorneys are involved now as well, and they’ve been in meetings with Farah’s people. Yes. She has people.” He laughed. “And Exiled’s attorneys stepped up and flew out to meet with Laurel Hayes team today. So, I’m hoping we can put this to rest after this.”

“I’m proud of you.”

He laughed and rolled his eyes. “For what? For having some crazy ass chick claim we’re dating. Not once, but twice.”

I ran my fingers along his scruff. “No. For seeing this through. Staying sober through all the stress. Not letting your father get to you. Fighting Farah’s claims instead of taking the easier path. You did the right thing and you stayed calm.”

“I’ve beat up several sparring partners over the last few weeks,” he said, raising one brow in challenge.

“They went in willing. That’s on them. You didn’t beat up anyone who wasn’t asking for it. How do you feel about your father?” I asked. Steven Winslow may be crazy, but he was still Cruz’s father. I knew that it was painful for him, whether he wanted to say it or not.

“Disappointed. That about sums it up. He’s an asshole and I don’t think he’s going to change. I don’t know that he’s involved, but I won’t be surprised if he is.”

“Yeah. You may be right. I hate that he doesn’t know how great his sons are,” I said. And I meant it. Steven Winslow was missing out on having a relationship with Cruz and Lennon. Two of my favorite people on the planet. And he made no effort to fix things.

“It’s alright, baby. I’ve accepted it, and I’m okay. I can’t believe we made it. And we have our own place in New York.”

Cruz and I had finally agreed on a place. It was well above what I had in mind for a budget, but my boyfriend was bougie, and we’d compromised.

“I can’t wait to go see it.”

“Me too. And we’ll go pick out some cool furniture, and you can work your magic,” he said.

“And what magic is that?”

“Your More Jade magic.”

I laughed and wrapped my arms around him, burying my face in his neck.

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