More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,90

the crowd when I took a seat on the stool that Luke brought out, and I was thankful that the lights made it difficult to see the bodies that spanned across the large auditorium.

Cruz looked at me and moved closer, standing between my legs.

The dark of the storm is all I see.

And like a dream she comes to me.

Now my world is upside down.

Makes no sense keeps spinning round.

When it stops she surrounds me.

In her light I finally see.

And she asks me…

Why would you want more of me?

She doesn’t know just what I see.

Beautiful girl with eyes of jade.

Shines so bright can’t find the shade.

Heart so pure even in her pain.

In the drought she is the rain.

Wasn’t looking but I found her.

I’m the sickness she’s the cure.

I’ll drown us both in the waves.

She’s the only one I want to save.

Makes no sense why she’s with me.

Beautiful girl with lots of dreams.

And she asks me…

Why would you want more of me?

She doesn’t know just what I see.

Beautiful girl with eyes of jade.

Shines so bright can’t find the shade.

Heart so pure even in her pain.

In the drought she is the rain.

I bit down on my bottom lip and swiped at the falling tears. It happened every time he sang this song to me. A reminder of our connection. Of how much he loved me. I didn’t know how I got so lucky that Cruz Winslow was mine. But I was grateful that we’d made it. Through all the ups and downs, we’d come out stronger than ever.

My arms reached for him and he lifted me off the seat, my legs came around his waist, my face buried in his neck, and he carried me off the stage.

“Thanks, baby. I love singing to you on stage and seeing you all flushed and nervous,” he teased, before kissing me and jogging back out to sing more to the crowd.

I spent the next few hours just watching him do his thing.

My beautiful rock star.

It’s surreal really, when you want something for so long and it finally happens. Some people talk about how they build something up and it’s a letdown when they actually achieve their dream. Not me. Today I’m sitting in a chair waiting to be called to walk across the stage at Northwestern University. I’d dreamed of this day for a long time and being here was even better than I’d expected. I had everyone that was important to me sitting in the audience supporting me. Most importantly, my dad and Cruz. They were always there lifting me up. I thought about Mom this morning, I skipped ahead in her journal to read about the day that she graduated. All the pride she felt.

I felt it all.

I felt everything.

They called my row and I moved in line beside the stage. I glanced over my shoulder. They were all there. Dad, Sara, Cruz, Sam, Cara, Lennon, Bailey, Ari, Jace, even Juliette, Cruz’s mother was seated beside her boys. Bernie was there, standing off to the side, because the man never sat down. He’d become my friend and I loved the annoying guy who’d followed me everywhere these last few weeks. There were too many Aunts and Uncles to count, sitting in the row that Dad had saved because he’d arrived so early this morning and beat the crowd. Half the Chicago Fire Department had come to support their captain. I was overcome with emotion as I looked out at all the people who had contributed to my journey. Dad and I had never been alone. It really did take a village, and these were my people.

“Jade Edington Moore.” I couldn’t hide the smile as I heard the ridiculous amount of cheers and screams from my family. I laughed as I shook Dean Rebarb’s hand and continued my walk across the stage. Copyright 2016 - 2024