More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,94

with my father did you tell me the truth?”

She sucked in a long breath, and a tear ran down her cheek. “Cruz. Listen. I didn’t want to upset you.”

“You fucking lied to me. Why? Were you considering his offer? He offered you a million dollars, Jade. And you didn’t think to mention that to me? Really? He claims you counter offered five million dollars. So what the fuck am I supposed to believe?”

Tears streamed down her face, and she frantically swiped them away. “No. No. Of course I didn’t. That’s insane. I told him to shove his money up his ass.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Jade? This whole time you never said a word. I thought you were all about the truth. Telling the fucking truth, right? But you lied to me.” I fell back against the seat.

“No. I didn’t lie to you. I withheld the truth.”

“Why the fuck did you do that?”

“Because I love you, Cruz. I didn’t want to tell you that your father was a bigger asshole than you thought,” she said through her sobs. “You know me. I love you.”

I couldn’t fucking think straight. My father had gotten in my head, and the idea that he’d offered Jade money to leave me—it was too much.

I didn’t speak. I was sorting all this shit in my head.

“Cruz. Where are you? I’m coming there tomorrow. We need to talk about this.”

“Don’t come here. I’m leaving. I need to think,” I said, running a hand through my hair.

She broke down. “I’m worried about you. Where are you going?”

“Why are you worried about me? You think I’m going to drink, don’t you? I don’t want a fucking drink, Jade. I want a fucking father who isn’t a piece of shit. I want a fucking father who isn’t paying everyone around me to fuck me over. And, I want a fucking girlfriend who tells me the fucking truth.”

She gasped. “I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that, Cruz. I love you more than anything. I just didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted to protect you.”

“How’d that work out for you? I need to go,” I said, as the guy pulled in front of the rental car company.

“Please talk to me. I love you.” She covered her mouth with her hand and closed her eyes.

“I’ll call you in a few hours.” I ended the call. I needed to sort this shit out.

I jumped out of the car. I couldn’t take the plane because my father would track me. I needed to get the fuck away from him. Away from everyone. I’d drive to Chicago. Figure out what the fuck just happened.

My phone buzzed as I stood at the counter and the girl waiting on the other side gasped. Obviously, a fan of Exiled. “You’re Cruz Winslow.”

“I am. I need a car. I’ll drop it off in Chicago.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. We only have two cars left. Would you like a car or an SUV?” she asked, and she fanned her face with the stack of papers she pulled off her desk. “Sorry, I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be nervous. I’ll take the car.” I tossed her my credit card, answered the eight million questions she asked me, as my phone continued to blow up.

Missed calls from Jade, Lennon, Luke, and my father.

Why the fuck was he calling? Hadn’t he done enough?

I turned my phone off. A long drive by myself would be just what I needed.

The girl tossed me the keys and walked me outside. “Alright. Drive safely.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

I checked out the map on the nav system. I’d be driving through a lot of rural areas, and I actually looked forward to it. To the quiet. I stopped and grabbed a pack of smokes and a bottle of water, because damn if I didn’t need a cigarette right now.

I got on the road and drove for a few hours. I thought about Jade. I was pissed she hadn’t told me, but I’d be lying Copyright 2016 - 2024