More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,7

“I’m sure you can get your buzz on in a lot of other places,” Lennon said, glaring at our father.

“Sure. But I’m not the one in the program, so it shouldn’t matter. We’re paying a lot of money for your sobriety. I’d hope that seeing someone have a drink isn’t going to make you slip. If so, I’d say you’re wasting your money, or my money, right?”

“You’re such an asshole.” I pushed to my feet and moved to the window. I didn’t want a drink. I wanted to get out of this room. Away from this man. “Why. Are. You. Here?”

“Dex reached out to me. Apparently, we’re both on your shit list. We have an idea that could be big for Exiled.”

Lennon barked out a bitter laugh. “You’re fucking serious?”

“There’s been a lot of speculation over why he left. Bringing him back would have people waggling their tongues. It would be a media frenzy.” His lips turned up in the corners.

“Get the fuck out,” I said, walking toward the telephone in the room. I picked it up and spoke into the receiver, “Can you send security to my room, Melody. I need someone to escort my guest out.”

Melody told me security would be on their way shortly.

“That’s a tad dramatic, Cruz. Just think it over. It would be good press for Exiled. Just looking out for you. Luke’s not taking my calls either for some reason, so you might want to remind him who introduced him to you. Don’t bite the hand that feeds, right?” My father pushed to his feet.

I moved so close I could feel his breath on my face. “Dex fucked with Jade. He doesn’t ever get to come back. And you fucked with everyone, so you don’t get to come back either.”

“Sobriety is really working for you, son. I think you could use a cocktail right about now.” He chuckled and pushed his flask in my face.

An angry laugh escaped. “You think it’s hard for me to have booze dangled in my face? You’re wrong. I’m not you. I never liked the party. I liked numbing myself to forget where the fuck I came from. But not anymore. So, you can take your flask and your bullshit ideas and get the fuck out.”

Security arrived at my door. “Is there a problem, Mr. Winslow?”

The man was speaking to me, but my father answered, “I don’t think you want to throw out the guy who’s picking up the tab.”

“They don’t care who pays the bill, daddy dearest. They care about their patient’s sobriety. So, they’ll have no problem escorting you out of here. I should know. I’ve been here more than once—you probably don’t remember because you never came to visit during my stays here,” Lennon said, nodding to the security guard.

“I won’t put you in an awkward situation,” my father said to the dude. “I can see myself out. I’m sure your supervisor wouldn’t appreciate getting slapped with a lawsuit. One I could make very public, by the way. Think about my proposition, boys. I’ll be in touch.” He waltzed out of the room, and the security guard followed our father down the hall.

“Just when I think he can’t get any lower—he surprises me.” I rolled my eyes and stared out the window.

“Like I said. You need an outlet. You used to love all that martial arts shit when we were young. That’s something positive,” Lennon said, moving to the window beside me as we watched Dad climb into his waiting vehicle.

“Yeah. I used to be able to kick your ass with one arm tied behind my back.” I laughed. “And I did enjoy it. I’ll look into that.”

“I’m going to call Mom and give her a heads up about Dad coming here. He might try to ambush her as well.” Lennon dropped in the chair and phoned our mother.

I pulled out my laptop and Googled MMA trainers in the area. I read the reviews and sent a few emails to inquire about private training sessions. I’d need them to come to me here. This facility had a great gym, as well as outdoor areas that we Copyright 2016 - 2024