More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,8

could utilize.

I pulled out my phone and sent Jade a text. Technically, I was supposed to wait another seven days, but since I’d texted her this morning, it was still the same day so I thought it only fair that I could send more than one message.

Me ~ I’m getting my shit together. Don’t give up on us.

The three little dots danced on the screen before they disappeared, and I tossed my phone on the bed. She’d probably make me wait another seven days before she responded. Patience was not my strong suit.

“Okay, Mom is aware of the situation. Apparently, she has a restraining order against Dad now. He legally can’t just show up at her house.” Lennon looked pleased with his words.

“Jesus. Our family is so fucked up. We need to remind her that he’s not one to follow the rules. He thinks he’s above the law. We’d all be wise to remember that,” I said.

My phone vibrated on the bed and I reached for it.

Jade ~ Don’t make promises you can’t keep.

Me ~ Never. You’re the only promise I’ve ever cared to keep.

Ain’t that the fucking truth.

Chapter Three


“You want to do the honors?” Richard asked, and I reached for the last cement brick.

“Yes.” I laughed as I pushed up on my tiptoes and set the final cinder block in place.

“Wow. This looks so good. I can’t believe we actually built this,” Jessica said, walking around the structure.

“It’s impressive. Good work. I think we should celebrate tonight. I may or may not have some mini tequila bottles tucked away at the compound.” Richard wriggled his brows.

“I’m so down. I could use a little fun,” Jessica said.

“What about you? You’ve been here for six weeks working your ass off, you’ve submitted your applications to med school, I’d say your due for a little fun.” He focused his attention on me. He and I had become friends, and we had a lot in common.

“Sure. I’m in,” I said, bending down when Rosa came running toward me.

She crashed into my arms and I hugged her extra tight. Our time with this family was coming to an end, and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to her. Rosa Martinez was five years old and we had a huge language barrier—but we’d somehow managed to form a bond in the days since we’d arrived here to build her family a hygiene station.

“Poto poto ganzo, Jade?” she said, placing a hand on my cheek. She was tiny for her age, with bronzed skin, long dark hair and a beautiful smile.

Poto poto ganzo was the equivalent of duck, duck, goose back home, and it was her favorite game. Rosa, and her older brother Eduardo, would rush home from school each day to help us mix the mescula, the cement we used to seal the bricks in place, and watch as we built the structure.

“Si, mi amor.” I smiled and walked to the area where we usually played and dropped down to sit.

Jessica, Richard, Eduardo and a few other members of our group came to join me when Rosa called out, “Poto, poto, ganzo.”

I crossed my legs and wiped my hands on my black scrub pants. I studied the blisters and the small cuts covering my palms. They were my battle wounds for the work I’d been doing, and I was beyond proud to be here. Exactly where I needed to be right now.

I’d been thinking a lot about the miscarriage I’d had last year. It was still difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that I’d been pregnant, and I’d lost the baby before I could even process what was happening. My heart ached for a child I’d never known. For what could have been. Something I wasn’t ready for—yet I felt the loss deep in my soul.

“Ganzo,” Rosa shouted out in laughter when she tapped the top of my head and took off running.

I hurried to my feet and pretended I was trying to catch her until she took her spot next to Jessica. Copyright 2016 - 2024