More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,6

Luke has legal on it now,” Lennon said.

“Jesus. The dude is batshit crazy. After what he did, he should be sitting in a jail cell. But instead he’s pouting that he isn’t in the band anymore? He fucking assaulted Jade. He should have gotten a lot more than house arrest.”

“We all agree with that. I blocked him because he was blowing up my phone. He’s such an asshole,” my brother said, studying my reaction.

“He pisses me off.” I pushed to my feet and paced around the room.

“So, what do you do now that you can’t go get drunk or numb yourself with pills?”

“I sit in this room and wallow in my misery,” I said.

“I focused on music when I stopped drinking and getting high. You need to find something that gives you an outlet. Something positive.”

“Well, sex is a good outlet, and I happen to be extremely talented at it. But I can’t even do that at the moment.” I dropped back on the bed and crossed my arms in front of me.

“Find something else, Cruz. Something that’s just for you.”

“Is Dr. Evil paying you to counsel me when I’m not with her?” I rolled my eyes.

A knock on the door interrupted us. I looked up to see Melody, the girl who runs the front desk.

“Hey, Cruz. Sorry to bother you. You have a visitor, and he wasn’t on the schedule, so I wanted to check with you before allowing him back,” she said. Her blond hair rested on her shoulders, and she formed a teepee with the tips of her fingers and rested her chin there.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“He says he’s your father. Steven Winslow.”

“Fuck me,” I whispered.

“You don’t have to see him. But if you want to, I’ll stay right here. We can deal with him together.” My brother’s eyebrows pinched as he waited for me to answer.

“Yeah. Let’s get it over with. Send him back. Thank you.”

“What do you think he wants?” Lennon whispered.

Neither of us had spoken to our father since he’d sold bullshit stories to the press about me. He’d blamed my leaving the band on Jade, and he’d paid off Farrah fucking Clearwater to say she’d had sex with me, and I’d forced her to have an abortion. Luckily, Farah hadn’t shared my father’s twisted plan with the press, and she dropped her claim before it went that far. But it didn’t mean my father hadn’t made her an offer. The guy was a sick fucker. His world had crumbled due to his own selfish behavior, and he wanted to take everyone down with him.

“I don’t know. How the fuck does he know I’m here?” I asked.

“I hired someone to find you,” my father said, walking into the room and pulling out the desk chair before dropping to sit.

“You hired someone? Why the fuck do you care where I am?” I barked out a laugh. I mean, the dude tried to destroy me. He tried to destroy my relationship with Jade. And yes, I managed to do the rest myself, but my father is a sadistic motherfucker and I want nothing to do with him.

“Families fight, Cruz. You’re both still my sons. I hired a guy to keep an eye on you two and when I realized I could get both my boys in one room, I jumped on a plane, and here I am. See, I’m not all bad,” he said as he leaned back in the chair and crossed his feet at the ankles like he owned the place.

The room was suddenly too crowded. What’s the saying? Two’s company, and three’s a crowd. Three was definitely a crowd.

“You have a lot of nerve coming here,” I snarled.

“Well, you’ve both blocked my calls. Your mother isn’t speaking to me. You didn’t leave me much of a choice.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a flask before tipping his head back and taking a long pull.

Was he for real? Who comes to fucking rehab with a flask? Steven Winslow. That’s who. Copyright 2016 - 2024