More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,5

The vibe is just different with Dex gone. There’s no tension. We should have dumped his ass a long time ago,” Lennon said.

“Well, the goal was for me to leave. And obviously now that’s not happening, but it was well worth the trade off. I couldn’t let that fucker get away with what he did to Jade. No fucking way. And she and I aren’t together right now anyway, so staying in the band a little longer isn’t the end of the world.”

He tilted his head to the side. “So, what’s going on with you two? I sent her a text and just told her to be safe in Honduras. I didn’t know exactly where you guys stood, but I wanted to let her know I was thinking about her. I’m still fucking pissed about what happened to her.”

I pushed to my feet and paced the length of the small room. “I know. I fucking hate Dex. But I fucked up too, and now I have to just hope she’ll forgive me eventually. She won’t let me text her more than once a week, but she told me she loved me when I saw her at the airport, and when we were texting, so I guess there’s hope.”

He laughed. “Of course, there’s hope. That girl loves your dumb ass. We all know it. But what happened to her was really bad, dude. It’s going to take some time, which is good.”

“Why is it good?” I narrowed my gaze at him.

“Because it gives you time to pull your shit together.”

“You sound just like Dr. Evil. It wasn’t so long ago you were the one in a shitstorm,” I said, moving back to sit on the bed.

“You’re right. And I found my way out, and so will you. You’re not nearly as bad off as I was and being the stubborn asshole that you are—it shouldn’t be as painful as it was for me. And you have something to work for.” He chuckled.

“I’m proud of you,” I said, staring at my little brother who was beginning to look more like a man than a boy. He had scruff on his face, and he looked… happy. And healthy.

“Proud of you too, brother. It was a big step coming here. You did the right thing.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“So, we had a meeting, and I wanted to fill you in. We’re cutting our tour schedule way back this year. I think we did too many shows last year, and the stress of it all took a toll on everyone. We’re going to do half as many shows this time around, so we’ll be able to spend our downtime in Chicago versus being on the tour bus.”

An invisible weight made its way off my shoulders. I could focus on my classes and have some normalcy in my life again. And hopefully, I’d get Jade back in the process.

“That’s really good news,” I said.

“Agreed. And thank you, Cruz. I know you never wanted any of this, and you sacrificed a lot for me. I’m going to be there for you, you know that, right?”

“Don’t go soft on me, asshole. But yes, I know.”

“So, what does Jade say when you do get to talk to her?” he asked.

“She thinks we should see other people. She wants space from me. She’s probably being hit on by all those nerdy fuckers on the brigade with her.”

He laughed. “Dude, she’s in Honduras on a medical brigade. It’s not the Bachelor.”

“She wants me to date, which is not happening.”

“And why is that?” he asked.

“She ruined me. My dick is broken. It doesn’t like anyone else.”

Lennon fell back in the chair in a fit of hysterics. “That’s rich. You really love her, don’t you?”


“Then get your shit together, brother. Because it’s going to take a lot to win her back, but I know she loves your stupid ass, so you’ll figure it out.”

“Fuck you, very much.”

“Dex reached out to Luke. He had the audacity to ask for a percentage of all our future earnings. Copyright 2016 - 2024