More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,67

wrapped her fingers in my hair and tugged me closer and I gave her what she needed. She cried out my name, and I savored her sweetness.

Damn, I’d missed her.


Being with her.

I was done taking my time. I pushed up on my knees and reached in my wallet for a condom.

“Someone was feeling confident, huh?” she said, laughing at my secret stash as she pushed up on her elbows.

“Ready and willing, baby. I mean, you said we were taking it slow last month, so I was hopeful things would progress.” I covered myself before leaning over her and kissing her hard. She whimpered and I nearly exploded.

Because it was all worth the wait.

Right here.

Right now.

Chapter Seventeen


My back rested against Cruz’s chest as we settled in the hot bath. The water absorbing us both like a safe little cocoon where no one else existed but us. I was physically and emotionally drained from this day. I’d thought I’d lost my father, and I’d stopped fighting my need to keep Cruz at a distance.

And wow, had I opened the floodgates.

We’d just spent the last two hours in bed, making up for lost time.

And now, I was all consumed.

Just like that.

Had I ever really stopped? It didn’t feel like it now, as he enveloped me in his arms.

“I missed you,” he whispered, his lips grazing my ear.

I flipped over on my stomach, resting my elbows on his chest. “Missed you more.”

He reached for the necklace hanging around my neck where the promise ring he gave me hung.

“Can we put this back on your finger?” The vulnerability in his eyes nearly broke me.

“Yes,” I said, reaching behind me for the clasp. He held out his hand and caught the chain in his palm. I slipped the ring off and slid it down my finger. Exactly where it belonged. Cruz reached up and dropped the chain on the counter beside the tub before looking down at my finger and smiling.

“That’s where it should be.”

“Yeah. I like looking at it, so this makes it easier.” I laughed.

He pulled back to look at me. “So, anything I need to know about your time with Dick?”

“No. It was nothing.”

“Well, you did kiss the asshole. Nothing more happened?”

I shook my head. “I kissed him twice, and I told you both times. Anything you need to tell me about our time apart?”

“No. I told you. I had the whole broken dick thing going on.” He brushed the hair back from my face, and I rested my cheek beneath his neck.

“It sure seems to be working just fine now.” I laughed, and my body vibrated beneath the water.

“Oh, you think that’s funny, do you?”

“A little bit.”

“Well, it only works for you. We’ve established that now. So how do you feel about your dad?”

“I think he’s going to be okay. That was scary though,” I said, as I traced over the script on his arm with my finger.

“It was. He’s fucking tough.”

“Yeah. Thanks for being there. You know—for me and for Dad.”

“Always. You know that.”

“So, what happens now?”


“With us?” I pushed up to meet his honey-brown gaze.

“Nothing’s really changed, has it? I mean aside from you pretending to have a fake boyfriend when you got back from Honduras, and then insisting we take it slow these last few weeks. I’ve been all in the whole time.”

“I guess I mean with you back on tour and me swamped with school. I can’t travel as often as I did last year.”

“We’ll make it work. My schedule is a lot better than it used to be, and I can come home more often now. You’ll come out when you can. We only have a few months left. We’ve got this,” he said.

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