More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,66

you more, baby.” My mouth crashed into hers, and I couldn’t get enough. My tongue dipped inside, and I took my sweet time kissing her as her body ground against mine.

“Cruz,” she moaned into my mouth.

I pulled her back, because if I didn’t do something, I was going to strip her naked right here in the parking lot, which though it sounded tempting was a bad idea. Jack had survived a fire today. We didn’t need to risk some dirtbag paparazzi catching a picture of me and my girl making up for lost time in my car.

“Chinese food doesn’t sound that good anymore, does it?” I laughed as I took in her swollen lips and heated gaze.

“No. I lost my appetite. At least for food.”

I laughed, and she climbed back over to the passenger seat. I tore out of there and made it to her place in record time. She stepped out of the car and I rushed her. I threw her over my shoulder and ran her into the house.

“Ari,” she shouted through her laughter, checking to see if her roommate was home as I hurried her down the hall.

“Looks like we’re alone.” I tossed her on the bed and her hair fell all around her as she smiled up at me.

“Looks like we are,” she said, propping herself up on her elbows.

I kicked the door closed and locked it. I glanced down at my phone before setting it on the nightstand. “I’ve got twelve hours before I have to leave, and I don’t plan on leaving this room.”

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” She wriggled her brows.

“You missin’ me, baby?” I asked, yanking my T-shirt over my head.


Jade sat forward and reached for my jeans, unbuttoning them slowly as she looked up at me with those big green eyes and licked her lips. Christ. I’d never wanted anyone or anything more in my life. She pushed my briefs down along with my jeans and there was no denying how badly I wanted her. She ran her fingers down my chest.

“Looks like you missed me too?” She teased when her eyes landed on my raging hard-on. “And I can’t get over how chiseled you are.”

“You know all that training means I can last even longer now.”

“You’ve never had a problem in that area,” she said, as I reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

I tipped her back and she arched up so I could peel her leggings from her body.

“Well, I’ve got twelve hours to familiarize myself with your beautiful body. I’m going to make you feel so good you’ll still be thinking about me after I leave,” I said as I settled above her.

“Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?” Her voice was gruff and breathy as she writhed beneath my touch.

“By kissing you here.” I kissed her neck and reached back to unsnap her white lacey bra, tossing it to the side, before cupping her perfect tits in my hands. Slowly. Tasting and savoring her with every kiss.

“Oh my god,” she whispered.

“And here,” I said, moving my mouth down her body and stopping at her breasts. I took my time with each one until she was panting.

“Please, Cruz.” Her words were barely audible.

“You made me wait and now I’m going to take my time with you. Enjoy every inch of this beautiful body,” I said, gripping her hips and holding her still as she squirmed beneath me.

“You’re punishing me?” she whined, and I laughed.

“I’m rewarding you. Trust me.”

I slipped my fingers beneath her panties and slowly pulled them down her legs. I made my way back up, kissing her inner thighs as I moved closer to where I knew she wanted me. I paused to look at her one last time. Her face flushed, eyes heated and full of need, and her lips parted just enough to allow her little pants to release with each breath. I buried my face between her legs, teasing and taunting until she Copyright 2016 - 2024