More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,68

out, huh?”

“I’ve had plenty of time to think while I waited for you to come to your senses.”

“I’m glad we found our way back. Nothing felt right when we were apart,” I said.

“We both did some growing during that time, and I know you needed time to forgive me for what happened. Now we can move forward.”

“I like the sound of that. How’s Zach doing? Do you really think the label will let him take over when you leave?”

“Yes. I’m officially done touring shortly after you graduate in June. Luke gave them a few options. I’ll stay on writing music for them, and Zach will do vocals. They may bring on a fourth dude to keep it a four-man band, or the three of them will be fine. Either way, I’m out. Physically speaking. I mean, I’ll still be writing for them, so I’ll have my hands in it a bit, but I won’t have to travel anymore.”

“That’s going to be so nice. What’s happening with your dad and Dex?”

“Haven’t heard much about Dex. He’s disappeared from the press, which is a relief. Although I still think he’s behind the Farah Clearwater bullshit. Hell, maybe he and my father are working together. But, Luke heard Dex had gone into a program. Hell, maybe he’ll get his shit together. Still not ever going to be a part of Exiled, but it doesn’t mean he can’t turn his life around. But if he’s still messing with Farah Clearwater that’s not a good sign.”

“Agreed. He was in a really bad place for a long time. I don’t think most people come out of rehab and transition back into life the way you did,” I said. I ran my fingers over his scruff. I loved the prickly feeling against my fingertips.

“Yeah. The success rate is low. That’s why I have this as a reminder,” he said, lifting his forearm to show me the tattoo where I’d marked his arm. “I was lucky because I hadn’t gotten involved with the hard stuff like Dex did, and I hadn’t been taking those pills for all that long. The booze was a part of my life for a long time, but oddly, I don’t miss it like I thought I would.”

“You don’t?”

“No. I realized that I only drank heavy because I was unhappy. I’m done living that way. I look at my dad and I know that’s not who I want to be. Ever. So, I got out fast, and I have no intention of ever going back. You know, I never used to think about the future before I met you. But it’s all I think about now.”

I smiled and swiped at a tear that traveled down my cheek. “Tell me what you think about.”

“You, More Jade. Always you.”

“I don’t know yet where I’m going to go to medical school, or even if I’ll get in,” I said, suddenly anxious about what our future held.

“You will. And it doesn’t matter where. I’ll go wherever you go. I can write from anywhere, and I’d be happy living in New York or Chicago. As long as I’m with you.”

“So, you’re really going with me? Just like that?” I asked, locking onto his honey-brown gaze.

“Just like that.”

I settled my cheek back on his chest. “Okay. So, we have a plan.”

He barked out a laugh. “Always the planner.”

“Well, one of us needs to be.”

“Can I ask you something that’s been bothering me,” he said, placing his finger under my chin to force me to look up at him.


“Why’d you ask me about Dex a while back?” he said.

“What? Oh. Well, I saw a guy that looked a little bit like him on campus.”

Before I could react, he was pushing up and lifting both of us out of the water. He reached for two towels and handed me one, tying his around his waist.

“Fuck, Jade. Why didn’t you tell me that?” He grabbed my towel back from me impatiently and wrapped it around my body, cinching it right above my chest. Copyright 2016 - 2024