More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,62

package. It was weird having your birthday on Christmas, but Dad always insisted on separating the two.

I’d already opened a new pair of tennis shoes, two sweaters, and a pair of jeans. “This is from Sara and I. Hell, who am I kidding. She picked it out.”

We all laughed as I opened the small square box and pulled out the most gorgeous gold charm bracelet. There were four charms dangling from the dainty chain. A stethoscope, a Northwestern Wildcat, the Chicago skyline, and a music note which I assumed represented Cruz.

“I love it.” I beamed as I turned my wrist over and had Sara help fasten it on.

The doorbell rang and Dad moved to the door, mumbling something about people having some nerve to show up on Christmas.

In walked three men carrying large boxes filled with floral arrangements. Peonies and hydrangeas. I knew immediately who they were from and fell back in a fit of laughter at the over the top display of affection.

It was so Cruz.

“Oh my gosh.” I moved toward the counter as they pulled out each arrangement.

“Twenty-one arrangements for a Miss Jade Moore’s twenty-first birthday,” one of the men said matter-of-factly.

“He doesn’t do anything in moderation, does he?” My father laughed, as Sara and I helped them unload the boxes.

Dad handed them a twenty-dollar bill. “Thank you for coming out on Christmas.”

“We can’t accept that, Sir. We’ve been very well compensated for making this delivery on Christmas morning.” He smiled, and Dad shook his head with a laugh.

“Of course, you have. Well, thank you for coming out. Merry Christmas.”

I reached for the card on one of the displays.

This is my favorite day of the year because it’s the day you were born. Baby Jesus has nothing on you, More Jade. I love you, more. Cruz.

P.S. Are we still taking it slow?

I looked up to see my father’s smirk and Sara’s starry-eyed gaze.

“Have you forgiven this kid yet?” Dad asked.

I laughed. “Yes. We’re taking it slow.”

Dad glanced around the apartment covered in beautiful pink and white arrangements. “If this is slow, I don’t want to see him at full speed.”

I laughed and walked to my bedroom to call him. Cruz performed last night in New York at a Christmas Eve concert to raise money for military families. Exiled would be recording in the studio today. Yes, on Christmas day. These boys worked hard, and not many people knew that the life of rock stars was not all fun and games.

Cruz and I were pretty much back together. I’d tossed my life jacket aside and jumped back in with both feet. Well, almost all in. We’d made-out last time we’d been together. And to say there were fireworks was an understatement. I was like a drowning woman who’d come up for air. We’d decided not to take things further, as my mind was set on taking it slow.

Why did I insist on that again?

But Cruz had spent the night with me again, and we’d kissed for hours. All night, really. There’d been no sleeping, and I didn’t care at all. I was on a cloud for days after. We talked multiple times a day since he’d left, and I was happy.

Really happy.

The next few weeks passed by in a blur. School and research were keeping me busy, and Cruz and I talked multiple times a day. I walked out of class and pulled the collar up on my coat. The sun was out, but February in Chicago was still chilly.

“See ya, Jade,” Richard said as we parted ways.

I waved goodbye and reached for my phone. I wanted to catch Cruz before he left for his show tonight.

When my phone powered on, my stomach dropped to see that there were fourteen missed calls. I opened the first text from Sara, and I came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the sidewalk.

Sara ~ I know you’re in class. We were called to a bad fire and I didn’t want you to hear Copyright 2016 - 2024