More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,61

and pulled me on his lap, wrapping his arms around me. He buried his face in my neck. “What if we just take it really slow?”

I laughed as his scruff tickled against my skin. “You only have one speed, Cruz Winslow.”

“Not true. Look how patient I’ve been these last few months.”

“That’s true. You have surprised the hell out of me,” I said.

He pulled back to look at me. My gaze locked onto his honey browns. “Yeah? So, let me see. You aren’t dating anyone else. I’m not dating anyone else. You miss me, and I miss you. So…”

My head fell back in laughter. “Point taken. Fine. Slow. I don’t want this to be news, not with all this Farah Clearwater drama. It will only become a media frenzy. I just want to spend time with you when I can. Just you and me.”

“I like the sound of that. Is kissing you part of this new plan? It’s hard to keep up with all the rules,” he said.

His hair was a mess, his face chiseled and gorgeous, and his full lips teasing me with every word he spoke. I licked my lips and tried to calm my breathing. It had been a minute since I’d kissed this boy, and my need for him was equal parts powerful and terrifying.

“I suppose a kiss wouldn’t hurt. But that’s it, Winslow. We’re taking this slow.”

He flipped me on my back in one fluid movement and propped himself above me, his breaths coming fast and hard. “Slow is my least favorite word.”

I smiled up at him because he was ridiculously beautiful. I didn’t speak. Couldn’t find my words, and my pounding heartbeat was the only audible sound. His mouth came over mine. Slow and gentle. We took our time tasting and exploring. My need for this boy was so strong. So, overpowering. All-consuming. I found it difficult to contain my desire. My fingers tangled in his hair, urging him closer. A growl escaped his throat as he tipped my head back for better access.

Oh. My. God.

This was so much more than a kiss.




My body ground against his, moving on its own volition. An ambulance siren in the distance startled me, and I pulled back. A wide grin spread across his handsome face as he looked down at me. The heat in his gaze polarizing.

“Missed you,” he said, his voice gruff.

“Missed you more,” I whispered before pushing him back and moving to sit.

“That was some kiss, More Jade.”

“It sure was. Let’s just sit with this for a while, okay?” I said.

I was caught in a riptide—the turbulent water pulling me out to sea. The current so strong, I couldn’t fight it anymore. I didn’t want to. I moved to sit on his lap. I wanted to be blanketed in his warmth. Surrounded by Cruz Winslow. My all-consuming rock star.

“I love you,” I whispered against his ear.

“Love you more.”

“Do you like it?” I asked my father when he held up the black sweater he’d just unwrapped from me.

“It’s perfect, Jady bug.”

“Last one,” I said, handing a package to Sara. She loved the hat and scarf she’d opened a few minutes ago, but this one was my favorite.

She tore open the package and studied the picture in the frame. It was a candid I’d taken of her and Dad at Thanksgiving. Sara was looking at me with a big grin, and Dad was looking down at her with so much adoration. The picture spoke a thousand words, and I was happy that I’d captured it.

“I love this,” Sara said, eyes glassy.

Dad looked over her shoulder and shrugged. “I’m not even looking at the camera. Next time give me a heads up you’re taking a picture, huh?”

Sara and I laughed. He didn’t get it, but that was okay. They were in love and that was big progress for my father.

“Okay, one more for you. This one is actually your birthday gift,” Dad said, handing me a Copyright 2016 - 2024