More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,63

about it on the news. Call me when you can.

My hands shook as I dialed Sara’s number. My brain was trained to think the worst. I hated that insecurity about myself but obviously it was an instilled reaction after Mom’s death.

“Jade,” she said, and it sounded more like a croak which immediately put me on edge.

“What’s happening. Where’s Dad?”

“He’s missing right now. Part of the apartment building came down and Jack ran back in because a woman said her child was inside.” Sara was unable to hide the panic from her voice. I was moving while we spoke, as I’d hit the Uber app on my phone and saw a car up ahead.

“What does that mean? He’s not talking to anyone? They can’t hear him?” The firefighters have walkie-talkies just for this reason. Dad has told me stories about how thick smoke can get in these buildings, making it difficult to find a way out.

“No. We lost him.” Her voice broke on a sob and I struggled to run toward the waiting car. My legs trembled, my heart raced, and I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience.

“Send me your location. I’ll be right there,” I shouted when I stepped into the car.

I waited for Sara’s text and gave it to the driver.

I sat in silence for a moment, processing what I just heard. Sara wasn’t dramatic. Ever. Hearing her fall apart was terrifying.

I picked up the phone and did the only thing that came to me.

I dialed Cruz.

“Hey, how was class. Why aren’t we FaceTiming?” he said.

I couldn’t speak. Fear clawed its way through me, and I couldn’t get the words out.

“Jade? What’s going on?” He sounded panicked.

“My dad ran back in a burning apartment building to find a child and he hasn’t come out,” I croaked.


“I need you.” Those were the only words I could get out. I covered my mouth with my hand as the sobs broke free.

“I’m on my way,” he said.

No more words came from me. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t fathom a world that my father wasn’t in. The car pulled in front of the apartment building, or what was left of it, and when my feet hit the ground, I took off sprinting. I ran toward the chaotic scene playing out before me. The building was a tall highrise structure, much larger than I’d expected. It looked like half of the building was still on fire. Fire trucks. Paramedics. Police cars. Everyone was there. Adults and children were wrapped in blankets and crying. I saw firefighters attacking the flames billowing from the tall structure with hoses, and Sara slumped against the fire truck with a paramedic. Police officers were trying to control the area, but I ran right past them. The sky was clouded with smoke, and I pulled my hoodie over my mouth and nose to keep the smoke out.

“Sara,” I said, but it came out hoarse and gravelly when she looked up and wrapped her arms around me.

“They are in there now looking for him.” She sobbed.

“He’ll be okay. He has to be.” I tightened my hold on Sara as the realization settled in.

Dad might not be okay.

And I wouldn’t be okay without him.

Chapter Sixteen


I stepped off the plane and checked my phone. The last words Jade had said to me were barely audible. I’d jumped on a plane, and luckily, I was only an hour away as we’d performed in Wisconsin last night. I’d do whatever the fuck it took to be there for her.

I had a car waiting and saw a text from Jade telling me to meet her at the hospital. She said they’d found her father, but she didn’t say what condition he was in. My girl wouldn’t survive this if anything happened to Jack. He was her—everything. Hell, I loved the dude as if he were my own father. You didn’t get any better than Jack Moore.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw Sam and Sara and Copyright 2016 - 2024