A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,101

witches. Everyone should be here in a few minutes. Good thing you got too much food. We have a few extras.” She gestured toward the street, where Jamie and Nat were helping someone out of Jamie’s car.

It had been a rollercoaster of a day, and apparently the ride wasn’t over yet. Lauren felt her heart stutter one more time. Moira’s face glowed with pleasure as she carefully made her way across the park. She waved off the chair Nell had ready. “I’m not that creaky yet, my dear. I’ve been sitting all day. Lauren, child, let me look at you.”

Lauren wrapped Moira in a hug. “You came here all the way from Nova Scotia?”

Moira nodded to the young woman beside her. “My granddaughter Elorie brought me. When Nell called yesterday, I wasn’t about to miss all the excitement. Birthdays and babies are some of my favorite things. I’ve always had a very soft spot for Jamie, and I wanted to meet his Nat.”

Lauren looked at Nell and lowered her voice. “Do Nat and Jamie know, yet? About the baby?”

Nell shook her head. “I don’t think so. I thought I was going to have to bespell Aervyn today to keep him quiet, but he’s managed to hold the secret in without splitting in two. The girls have been really giggly, but I think everyone figures that’s just the pre-birthday sillies.”


“Is that what this is, the Chicago version of a baby shower?”

Lauren laughed. “Not exactly. You’ll just have to wait along with everyone else. Get some food. I’m not going to spill the beans until after dinner.”

She went to fill a plate for Moira and ran into Tabitha over the platter of chicken. “I hope you don’t mind that I came. Jennie said you were in town, and I really wanted a chance to say hello.”

Lauren handed over a chicken leg and grinned. “You’re totally welcome. What do you really want?”

Tabitha laughed. “Never try to hedge with a mind witch. I really want to tell you that you did an amazing thing for Jacob and his family. Now that he’s not spinning all the time, they’re learning about each other. Jacob likes bulldozers and being tickled, and he’s learning how to play.”

Lauren looked over at Aervyn chasing a purple-haired toddler. “Sounds like what kids are supposed to do. I’m glad I could help.”

“I have another child,” Tabitha said. “If you have time while you’re here, maybe you could drop by and spend some time with her.”

Lauren grinned. “If you ever want a new career, you’d be great in real estate. I think you could sell just about anything. I’ll come by right after the big birthday bash.” And then we can talk about a long-term volunteer schedule.

She turned at the hand on her shoulder. “Cripes, did everyone fly in for today?”

Sophie blushed. “I was already on my way, actually. It was a good excuse to come visit Mike.”

“Oh really? Moving fast, are you?”

“We earth types actually move pretty slowly most of the time.” Sophie smiled and looked over at Mike, who was pushing some unknown toddler on a swing. “One of my best talents is getting things to grow a little faster, though.”

Sophie was a tricky witch, thought Lauren, fingering her lapis pendant. You’d never guess it, but she definitely had a way of getting what she wanted.

Lauren looked around again. Almost everyone had arrived. Jamie waved her over. “Hey, Lauren, come meet my parents.”

Jeepers. Had Nell sent out a witch SOS?

Pretty much, dear, said a voice inside her head. The woman beside Jamie reached out a hand in greeting. “When Nell says come, we all listen. I’m Retha, and this is my husband, Michael.”

Jamie’s mom was a mind witch? Lauren clamped down hard on any thoughts of grandbabies in Nat’s belly. If Aervyn could keep a secret, so could she, dammit. “It’s great to meet you. You have an amazing family.”

Retha looked around at the gathering in the park. “I surely do. Nat will be a wonderful addition.”

Lauren risked a peek at Retha’s outer mind. Obviously she wasn’t sneaky enough. Retha quirked an eyebrow and opened a channel so Lauren could see the truth. Jamie was theirs, so Nat would be theirs, too.

“Thank you,” Lauren said.

“Never try to sneak up on an old mind witch, my dear. And you’re welcome. We’d love Nat just because Jamie loves her, but she’s a treasure. I spent most of the afternoon with her. I had no idea my son had such exquisite taste.”

Lauren laughed.

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