A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,102

“Just wait until you meet her mother.”

Retha sobered. “I’ve picked up a little from Jamie. Not all families love well.”

“She’ll be well loved now, and that’s all she’s ever wanted.”

Aervyn interrupted. “Lauren, is it time for the surprise yet?” He hopped from one foot to the other. He obviously couldn’t contain himself much longer, and honestly, neither could she.

Mind-amplifying her message, she called for everyone’s attention. Savoring the moment, she took a deep breath. “Thank you, everyone, for coming. I know the message I left Nell was pretty cryptic.”

“There was food,” said Jamie. “Good enough.” Nat elbowed him in the ribs.

Now Lauren knew how to go on. “A few weeks ago, this guy came into a sushi restaurant in Chicago and levitated plates.”

Jamie grinned in memory. Retha just rolled her eyes. You’ve always been a show-off, my boy, she sent loud enough for everyone to hear. Jamie levitated his mother a foot off the ground in retaliation. Aervyn levitated himself in excitement.

Before anyone else could start defying gravity, Lauren continued her story. “It changed my life. Within a few days, I was out here in Berkeley doing mind-witch boot camp, and my best friend was falling in love with a witch.” Jennie and Jamie’s smug grins were a matched pair.

“Then Aervyn flew me in the sky.” Not now, sweetie, she sent to Aervyn, wanting to keep her feet on the ground.

“I don’t know if those of you who’ve always lived in witch central can understand, but I didn’t grow up in a world where witch-powered flight is possible. The magic was incredible. It was all the moments in between that were hard. I’m the first to admit I was glad to be back in Chicago.” Her audience sobered considerably.

Jennie spoke. “Not all witches get thrown in at quite the speed you were, child.”

Lauren nodded. “I know, and for a while, I was a bit grumpy about that. I needed to be away for a while. But I’ve come to realize that only a very few really lucky people get thrown into something this wonderful.”

She had everyone’s complete attention. Even Aervyn’s feet were back on the ground. “Until I came back, I didn’t realize how much I missed being here. I’m a witch, and not, I think, a solitary one.”

She looked at Moira. “Someone told me that with power comes responsibility. She was right. It also comes with this amazing family of witches and those who love them.” Moira was in tears, and she wasn’t the only one.

Lauren held back her sniffles, dropped her barriers, and finished. “So I choose to stay. I bought a real estate practice today. You’re looking at Berkeley’s newest realtor.”

“I love you, Lauren.”

She caught Aervyn in mid-leap, and held on tight as he spun them both around several feet off the ground. “I love you too, sweet boy.” And I want to be here as you reach for your future. I will stand for you with everything I have.

Now put me down, cutie. There’s one more part to the surprise.

Soaking in every bit of the love and welcome radiating her way, Lauren took Nat and Jamie’s hands and walked over to the park fence. She mind-amplified her voice so the whole crowd could hear. Witches weren’t big on privacy.

“I’m Berkeley’s newest realtor—and you two are my first clients.” She gestured at the house across the street, the one with a big For Sale sign on its front lawn.

Barriers down, Lauren felt when comprehension finally dawned for Jamie. The storm of feeling almost took her under. Love, relief, gratitude. Then he started to laugh.

Nat, along with everyone else, was still confused. Lauren, like every great realtor, knew her pacing. This was Jamie’s moment, and she waited for him to take it. He clasped Nat’s hand. “Take a good look at the house, Nat.” He reached for power, and the whole exterior lit up with witchlight.

Nat studied the house a moment longer, and then she got it. “It’s the precog house,” she said softly. “It’s here.”

Jamie held her tight and looked at Lauren. “I guess this means Berkeley will have the snowstorm of the century in a few years.”

Maybe a little sooner than that, thought Lauren.

Ginia was all confused frustration. “Uncle Jamie, I don’t get it. What’s the big deal about the house?”

Nat tried to explain. “Do you remember when Uncle Jamie and I first met, and he had those precog visions?”

Ginia pouted. “The ones where you live in Chicago. Yeah.”

“That’s just it, sweetie. We all thought it was Chicago because of the snow.”

Ginia looked the house, and then back at Nat. “You’re going to live here? Your house is here?” There was no joy quite as bright as an almost nine-year-old girl’s. And no bedlam quite as noisy as a park full of very happy witches. Flowers burst out of the ground around Nat’s feet. A lot of witchlings were having trouble containing their magic tonight.

Nell joined Lauren at the fence. “I’m sure there’s a really great story behind all this, and I’m definitely going to dig every last bit of it out of you. But for now, just let me say thank you. You made a lot of Walkers very happy today.”

“When you’re ready to dig, ice cream will work.” Lauren thought about the savvy old man selling his real estate practice, and how it had taken him about three minutes to find Nat and Jamie’s house once she’d gotten smart enough to ask. She had a line on a couple of locations for Nat’s yoga studio, too.

Once she’d finally realized she didn’t have to pick whether to be friend, realtor, or witch, the rest had fallen into place with shocking ease. Except for one small detail.

“So, can I crash at your house? I don’t have anywhere to live just yet.”

Nell snickered. “Lauren, there isn’t a person here who wouldn’t move out of their bed for you right now.”

They both looked up as an airborne Aervyn started shooting sparks. “Say yes, Auntie Nat, say yes!”

Jamie grabbed Aervyn’s foot and pulled him down. “You have to let me ask her first, punk.”

He let go of his nephew and looked at Nat. “I’d meant to do this somewhere quiet and romantic, but if you take me, I guess you get this rowdy, nosy family of mine, too. Marry me, Nat.”

Lauren was enough of a romantic to broadcast Nat’s answer for everyone, since Nat was far too overwhelmed to actually get the enormous “yes” in her heart out through her lips.

Jamie’s grin was priceless. “Are you sure? You’ll be giving up your privacy for life and surrounded by a bunch of witches.”

Nat looked like that might be her definition of heaven.

Aervyn couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Auntie Nat’s going to have a baby.” Noise and love broke loose one more time. Lauren had thought Nat couldn’t glow any brighter. She’d been wrong.

Aervyn went over and laid a hand on Nat’s belly. She leaned over and kissed his head. “Is that your playmate in there, sweetie?”

“Nope—she’s a girl. It’s okay, though. I can play with a girl; I don’t mind. I can teach her magic and everything.”

Jamie picked him up. “This baby might not be a witchling, cutie.”

Aervyn cuddled in. “Sure she is. She likes to play with fire. If she keeps doing that, maybe it will make her split in two or three. Then I could have lots of cousins.”

The number of surprises had reached comic proportions, thought Lauren. A tiny fire witchling? Life was not going to be boring. With her work and her best friend here in witch central, the only thing missing was her couch.

Lauren heard Aervyn’s giggle, and then a big thunk right behind her. Scratch that. Apparently the couch was here, too.

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

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