A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,100

that better than I would. My ability to read elemental power is pretty awful. Like I said, it sure looked like mind power.”

It hit them both at the same time. Shay and Mia. Lauren raised her eyebrows. “Three witches?”

Jennie had no idea. “Anything’s possible, but neither of them test for power at all. Triplets have a very close connection, and I wonder if that’s what you’re seeing. Ginia might be using that as a power source.”

“Jeez. How the heck do we figure that out?”

Ah, you’ve the curious soul of a trainer too, my girl. “That’s what you and I need to sort out, isn’t it?”

Lauren laughed. “I need cookies if you expect me to do anything else today.”


Nell stood at the window where she’d been for nearly an hour.

She’d learned three things in her watching. One, Jamie wasn’t the only one who’d missed communal magic. Two, Lauren had the makings of a darn good witch trainer. And three, Aunt Jennie had something up her sleeve.

The next few days would certainly not be boring.

Nell reached for her laptop and cell phone. Lauren wasn’t the only one who could plan a surprise.

Chapter 25

Lauren walked the streets of downtown Berkeley, munching on a bagel. She’d woken at the crack of dawn, one of the hazards of a brain that was still on Chicago time. Unable to talk herself back to sleep, she’d decided to get a head start on her shopping list.

Instead, she’d been sucked into the vibe of downtown. Berkeley’s inner core had a fascinating mix of people, buildings, and modes of transportation. She’d seen more bikes in the last hour than taxis. Chicago it wasn’t.

As a realtor, she made a habit of walking her neighborhoods, getting a feel for the attitude and pace of life, the amenities or lack of them, the forces of change. Downtown Berkeley didn’t have Chicago’s arrogance or high-rise worship, but you felt the people here. Kind of like summer in Chicago, but minus the tourists.

It was a neat little town.

Lauren spied the real estate office and cut across the street. She loved to look at the listings realtors always posted in their office windows. Occupational hazard.

She finished off her bagel as she satisfied her curiosity. The listings were as diverse as the people of Berkeley. Angular modern homes, colorful and funky ranch houses, some great Craftsman bungalows in the downtown arts district. That must be nearby.

There was an open house at ten o’clock she was tempted to wander through. You didn’t get much chance to tour historical bungalows when you worked the Chicago condo market.

Lauren almost missed the Business for Sale sign.

Her breath stuttered as she read the small print. Well-established real estate practice for sale. Owner retiring. Credentialed and experienced realtor required. Inquire within.

As Lauren stared at the sign, memories swirled in her head.

… Mind-witch yoga class with giggly Aervyn and grumpy Jamie. Cat Woman. Nat at a dinner table full of family that adored her.

… Her first training circle, flying high on sunshine-bright power. Sweet, spinning Jacob cuddled in his mama’s lap. The outer circle of candles and love at Ocean’s Reach. The inner circle of power

… Jamie’s desperate longing for Aervyn. Her own joy at the giggly boy behind her couch. A toddler and a snowman.

Drowning in emotion, Lauren felt her decision form somewhere deep inside. It looked like buying party hats and streamers would have to wait.

Many hours later, Lauren stood in Becky Temko Tot Park and waved goodbye to the caterers. They’d done an amazing job on zero notice.

The tiny neighborhood park was normally a happy place for toddlers, with a play structure, sand, and shade trees, all safely fenced in. Tonight, it held the makings of a party.

The grassy area was covered with blankets and a few very nifty portable picnic tables. Lanterns hung on the fence and from a line strung between two of the bigger trees. One of the tables was piled high with fried chicken, sandwiches, chips, fruit, and some really awesome brownies.

Now all she needed were her guests. A honk from the street suggested they were here. Aervyn hopped out of the van and ran into the park, closely followed by his three sisters. He danced briefly around Lauren and ran over to the slides.

Nell walked over, carrying a couple of chairs. “What’s up? That was a fairly cryptic message you left.”

Lauren grinned. “I figured you were the only person I knew who could herd witches without a good reason.”

Nell laughed. “Food’s enough reason for most

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