Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,349

exclaimed. “The red is festive and becoming.”

“Thank you.” Aunt Edith beamed, a bright flush of color in her cheeks. “Just look at you. You won’t be short on dance partners.”

Aunt Edith’s words proved true. Lucy danced as much as Emma and enjoyed herself thoroughly. But her dance with Hugh was the highlight of the evening.

“You are beautiful, Lucy.” The admiration in his blue eyes caused her heart to sing.

He was an excellent partner, making her feel as if she were floating as they turned and twirled, moving away from each other only to return together again. His hand on hers was firm as if he’d never let her go. This was even better than ice skating, she realized.

Her emotions left her breathless even as they made her heart hurt. After all, the house party was nearly at end. Only Christmas Day was left. The guests would depart the following day.

But that was a worry for later. For now, she enjoyed the dance, holding Hugh’s gaze, reveling in the way he looked at her. She did her own share of looking. He was so handsome in his evening clothes, his cravat brushing his firm jawline. The contrast between his rugged good looks and the formal attire sent heat along her skin.

The dance ended all too soon, and he bowed while she curtsied then he took her hand to escort her back toward where her aunt stood. Before they reached her, he suddenly paused then glanced about as if in search of something.

“Who are you looking for?” she asked.

“I was hoping for a bit of mistletoe so I might kiss you again.” His smile caused her heart to rise to her throat.

No matter that she knew nothing could come of her feelings for this man. She was going to miss him deeply when their time together was over.

Hugh entered the village church the next morning and looked for Lucy. How much he had changed since the beginning of the party when he’d told himself he would spend every opportunity he could find to be with Emma. She was a lovely person, and he’d enjoyed their dance the previous evening. But Lucy was the one who held his affection. Especially after their delightful dance the previous evening. She was unique—beautiful inside and out, though he didn’t think she realized how special that was.

Sunlight streamed in the stained-glass windows and candles lit the altar. The church was crowded, but he had no difficulty picking out Lucy. Lucky for him, there was an empty spot beside her.

“May I sit with you?” he asked as he arrived at her pew.

Her brown eyes widened in surprise. “Oh.” She glanced across the aisle, and he turned to see Emma and her parents seated there. “Wouldn’t you prefer to sit by Emma?”

“No, thank you.” He settled beside her and nodded at her aunt, whose lips pressed together in a thin line of disapproval. “This will do nicely.”

Lucy blinked several times but said nothing.

“Happy Christmas,” he whispered.

“And to you.” She smiled then turned her attention to the minister who began the sermon.

The service was long enough that the hard bench became uncomfortable, but not nearly long enough for him to sit beside Lucy.

When the sermon ended, Hugh leaned close to Lucy. “Is it only me who is tempted to applaud the man for finally stopping?”

Lucy chuckled. “He had much to share today.” She waved at her cousin. “Doesn’t Emma look lovely today?”

Hugh glanced at Emma and nodded though uncertain to what Lucy referred. “Indeed.”

“We’re going to return to the house now,” Lucy advised him as she glanced at her aunt and uncle and Emma who visited with friends. “Aunt Edith doesn’t care for the cold. We’ll see you there.”

“May I accompany you?” Hugh asked. “That will leave more room in the next coach for those who wish to linger.”

“Wouldn’t you prefer to ride with Emma?”

He frowned, disappointed that she was pushing him toward her cousin. “No, thank you. I’ll see her soon enough.” Christmas dinner and the lighting of the Yule log were yet to come. But he hoped to have a moment alone with Lucy to give her the present he’d bought.

They settled in the coach with several guests and returned to the house. He caught Lucy’s arm before she followed her aunt up the stairs. “Do you have a moment? Will you meet me in the sitting room?”

She hesitated before nodding. “Of course.”

After retrieving the gift from his bedchamber, he waited in the sitting room, unable to keep

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