Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,350

his gaze from the mistletoe that was still on the hook where he’d placed it. Could Lucy be persuaded to share another kiss?

Then she stood in the doorway, a parcel wrapped with a gold bow in her hands.

His heart thudded dully as she drew closer. He held out his gift. “I have something for you.”

“How kind,” she said.

He gestured toward the settee before the fire, and they took a seat then exchanged the gifts. He was ridiculously pleased she’d given him one. It didn’t matter what it was. “Please open mine,” he said.

“So thoughtful of you,” she murmured as she undid the paper with care only to gasp at the sight of the small horse figurine with the white blaze on its forehead nestled in a box. “Hugh.” Her gaze returned to his, her smile bright. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you so much.”

“You’re welcome.” He returned her smile, pleased that she liked it. Her gaze shifted to stare at the horse, the longing in her expression caused his chest to ache.

“Now you.” She tore her eyes away and glanced at the gift in his lap.

“I’m honored you thought of me.” He opened the wrapping to find a handkerchief neatly folded. Something dark on one corner caught his notice and he examined it, realizing it was a galloping horse. He glanced up in surprise, touched by her thoughtfulness. “You embroidered it? For me?”

Lucy nodded. “Apparently, we were of the same mind.”

“Thank you. I shall cherish it always.” His heart melted as he ran a finger over the stitching. To think she’d used her talents to personalize a gift for him shifted the floor beneath his feet.

This. More moments exactly like this were what he wanted. Surely the other details of how it would be possible would work themselves out. But did she feel the same?

“Lucy,” he began, his heartbeat thrumming in his ears, making it difficult to think. He’d been so careful to avoid the two L’s—love and lust—thus far in his life. But when struck by both, he had no doubt they were real and could last a lifetime. “I realize we haven’t known each other long, but I admire you very much. Is there a chance you feel the same? That I might call on you after Christmas?”

Her eyes went wide with surprise. Or was that fear in their dark depths? She stood abruptly, the horse figurine clutched in her hands. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head adamantly. “That’s just not possible.”

Disappointment struck him to the quick, and suddenly he couldn’t breathe. He rose slowly, unable to understand. How could he have been so wrong about her feelings? “I see.”

“My apologies if I gave you the wrong impression,” she said, her chest heaving. Was she about to cry or was it panic that caused her upset? “I have enjoyed our acquaintance, but it can be nothing more.” She glanced away. “I must go. My aunt will be wondering where I am.”

Before he could find his voice, she hurried from the room, taking his heart with her.

Chapter Ten

“How was your Christmas?” Thomas asked as he strode into Hugh’s study in his apartment.

Hugh didn’t bother to rise at his brother’s arrival. He couldn’t be bothered to do much of anything since Lucy had denied him.

The New Year was fast approaching, but he had yet to venture out since his return. He’d spent the first two days drinking, though spirits had provided little comfort, only an aching head.

“Fine.” Hugh kept telling himself he was fine. That his Christmas had been fine. That his life was fine. The lie came more easily now.

Thomas paused before him, green eyes narrowed. “You don’t look fine.” He glanced about the room as if noting its general untidiness and the closed drapes. “Did you give your valet the week off?”

Hugh followed his brother’s gaze, realizing he’d left books he’d tried to read as well as news sheets lying about along with empty glasses. “He’s given up on this room for the foreseeable future.”

“Humph. Are you going to ask how my Christmas was?”

“I have no doubt it was spent in wedded bliss with your lovely bride.” Hugh was pleased for his brother. Truly. Thomas’s happiness since his marriage to Annabelle was one of the reasons Hugh held hope for love and a true partnership in marriage.

Alas, it was not to be. The realization had him considering an empty glass and whether he could find the energy to rise and fill it. Instead, he ran a

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