Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,348

nice, too,” Emma added. “I believe we would get along well.”

“That is an important consideration given how close they are. How do you feel when you’re with him?”

“Quite pleasant.”

Lucy shook her head only to halt when Collette tugged a lock of her hair. “Pleasant isn’t good enough. You should feel as if you’re dancing on air when he’s near.” She stopped herself from saying more, realizing she could’ve described the sensation in detail—flutters in her stomach, breathlessness, speeding heartbeat, and tingles from head to toe.

“Truly? Humph.” Emma scowled.

“What of Mr. Raybourne?” She clenched her hand into a fist as she braced for Emma’s answer.

A slow smile lit her face. “I do like Hugh. He’s gallant, don’t you think? More a knight than a dandy. One can imagine him capable of dealing with any situation.”

Like? Lucy considered the word as she tipped her head forward at the maid’s request. Collette pinned several white roses along the rolled chignon then stepped back to eye her work. How could Emma use such a tame word when speaking of Hugh?

“What of Viscount Jameson?” Lucy gripped her growing impatience.

“I like him as well. He has many admirable qualities.”

“Such as?” Lucy pressed after she thanked Collette and the maid took her leave.

“Handsome, kind, intelligent.” Emma lifted a finger for each trait.

“Do you like him more or less than Mr. Barnes?” Perhaps direct comparisons would force Emma to choose. Lucy hoped so, lest she shake her cousin. How could she not know how she felt after spending so much time with the men? How could she not realize how lucky she was to have a choice?

“More, I suppose.”

Lucy bolted to her feet and glared at her cousin, her patience at end. “I suppose? How can you not know? Either your heart spins when one of them enters the room or it doesn’t.”

Emma’s mouth gaped open at Lucy’s outburst. “Why are you so angry?”

“You are blessed to have three amazing men interested in you. You’ve kissed at least two of them. Surely you’ve noticed which one makes you feel something.”

When Emma only continued to stare at her with wide eyes, Lucy placed her hands over her cheeks to compose her emotions. Her cousin didn’t see how fortunate she was. Then again, Lucy hadn’t realized her own blessings until her life had changed. It wasn’t Emma’s fault their lives had grown so different.

“You’re right.” Emma rose to pull Lucy’s hands from her face. “I’m sorry. I suppose I’m fearful of making the wrong choice. And worried that if I do choose, the gentleman might not return my affection.” The concern in her blue eyes said she spoke the truth.

“Whoever you select will be lucky to have you.” Lucy turned her hands to clasp her cousin’s. But please don’t pick Hugh. A lump formed in her throat at the thought.

“How did you become such an expert on love?”

“I’ve read enough books to know you should feel more than pleasant when the right man is near.” Lucy wasn’t ready to share the truth. Not yet.

“I don’t want a temporary feeling to cause me to make the wrong choice.”

“You’re right not to take this decision lightly. Courtships can move slowly and betrothals can be many months. That will give you time to be sure. But I would think you’d know you found the right person when you’re miserable if you’re not with him.” As Lucy feared she’d be when she no longer saw Hugh each day.

Emma bit her lip, her eyes holding a far-away look. “I shall take your advice to heart.”

“I’m pleased to help.” Lucy glanced at the clock on the dressing table. “It’s nearly time to go down.”

Emma clapped her hands, her smile bright. “I shall dance with each of them and take careful note of how I feel.” She leaned forward to place a quick kiss on Lucy’s cheek. “Thank you. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Lucy watched her hurry from the room. Emma had done just fine with very little of Lucy’s presence the past few years other than the letters they wrote. But it was nice to feel needed by someone other than Aunt Edith for a change.

She went to her aunt’s bedchamber to collect her, pleased she felt well enough to attend the ball for a short while. Aunt Jane had expressed concern as to Aunt Edith’s wellbeing and how frequently the elderly woman felt ill, but Aunt Edith looked happy this evening, Lucy thought when her aunt opened the door.

“You look beautiful,” Lucy

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