Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,335

Miss Barnes, he wanted to make certain Lucy was none the worse for the fright and cold she’d experienced. Though she might be in her bedchamber or with her aunt, he looked in a few likely places, the last one being the small sitting room at the end of the second floor and found her.

He stood in the doorway unnoticed, taking a moment to admire her. She sat alone on the settee before the fire, reading a book. The image she presented caught his breath. Her dark hair was swept back into a loose chignon. Her creamy complexion made him long to touch her cheek to see if it was as soft as it appeared. Did she prefer to be alone or was it a habit from her solitary existence?

“I hope I’m not disturbing you.” He kept his tone quiet, not wanting to startle her.

She glanced up, her eyes rounded in surprise. “Not at all.” She hastily set aside the book to stand, but he held out his hand to stop her.

“Please, don’t rise on my account,” he said as he drew closer. “I wanted to make certain you were well.”

“I’m fine. It seemed as if Miss Barnes had plenty of people to care for her, so I came upstairs to check on my aunt.”

“Did you tell her of your heroic efforts?” he asked with a smile.

“Good heavens, no.” She shook her head. “She was napping, but I didn’t do anything heroic. You’re the one who rescued Miss Barnes. I should be asking if you are well.”

“I’m fine. I hope Miss Barnes quickly recovers.” He held out his hands toward the brightly burning fire, but Lucy’s presence was what kept him there. He liked her far more than he should.

“As do I.”

“Your cousin seemed unhappy that she missed all the excitement.”

Lucy smiled. “She detests missing out on anything.”

She detests not being the center of attention, he wanted to add but held back his opinion.

He knew he should leave Lucy to her privacy but couldn’t bring himself to do so. The quiet room with the warm fire and her presence were too hard to resist. He bent to place another piece of wood on the fire as he searched his mind for a reason to stay.

“I believe Mr. Barnes was more upset by the events than his sister,” he said.

Lucy chuckled. “No doubt he’s feeling guilty for not being at her side like he normally is.”

“Those two seem inseparable.” Hugh glanced at the settee. “Do you mind if I join you?” At her nod, he sat beside her.

She stared into the fire, before glancing at him as if uncertain what to say.

“Your efforts today were admirable.” He couldn’t imagine Emma acting as calmly as Lucy had. “Miss Barnes would’ve been much more frightened without your comforting presence.”

“I was pleased you came when you did.” A hint of the worry she must’ve felt glimmered in her eyes. “I didn’t want to leave her, but we needed help.”

“If I were injured, I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have at my side.” He held her gaze as he reached out to take her bare hand from the tufted cushion, hoping she didn’t think him too forward.

Her mouth parted in surprise even as her fingers curled around his. She blinked then licked her lips, causing desire to smolder inside him. “Thank you. I confess that I was relieved to see you coming to our rescue, Mr. Raybourne.”

“Please, call me Hugh.” At her nod, he added, “May I call you Lucy?”

“Of course.” Her chest rose as if she had trouble catching her breath. Funny as he felt the same way.

“There’s something I’ve wanted to do since the moment we met,” he began. He realized how forward he was behaving, but the house party would end soon, and he had to know more about his feelings for her.

“Oh?” Lucy’s eyes held on him and gave him hope she might be thinking the same.

He shifted closer. “May I kiss you?”

Her brow rose, suggesting she was shocked he’d asked. But something about Lucy made him want to be a gentleman, to rise above her expectations of him.

“I would like that very much.”

“As would I.” Then he leaned close, savoring the moment. Her sweet scent teased him. The heat of her body beckoned him. The flutter of her lashes as she closed her eyes was more appealing than he could’ve guessed. Then he pressed his mouth to hers, amazed at the passion that spiraled through him—as if a spark

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