Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,336

deep within had been lit and now burned brightly.

Chapter Six

Lucy felt her body awaken as if her entire being had been dormant all this time, waiting to be brought to life by this man’s touch. Guilt slid through her at the thought of Emma, but her cousin still didn’t know which, if any, of the gentlemen she liked. Then her feelings took over, pushing aside the worry.

Hugh’s mouth on hers was firm and sure, and she had an unexpected appreciation for his knowledge of how to properly kiss. His lips teased hers, enticing her to do the same. He tightened his hold on her fingers, and she placed her other hand on his upper arm, enjoying the firm muscles beneath the smooth wool.

The kiss was more than she’d imagined a kiss would be. How could the mere touching of lips make her feel so much? The heat gathering in her body shocked her even as desire rose.

When Hugh eased back, she went with him, unwilling to stop when they’d only just begun. With a groan, he took her mouth again. “So sweet,” he muttered between kisses.

Sweet? Her foggy mind considered the word. No. Definitely not. Spicy, perhaps. Hot, certainly. Then all thoughts fell away when his tongue pressed against the seam of her lips, requesting entry. She parted them, both awed and confused at how the simple invasion sent a pang of need through her.

This was not simple passion. This was something more. And it frightened her.

She jerked back, breathless, unable to meet Hugh’s gaze as heat filled her face. He must think her an immature girl rather than a woman of three and twenty to react this way to a kiss.

His gentle hand along her cheek had her panic easing. “Lucy, you are so beautiful. Kissing you is magical.”

That had her meeting his gaze, searching to see if he could possibly feel the same way she did. Though passion and tenderness were visible in his expression, surely his world hadn’t shaken the way hers had.

She’d known before their lips touched how special the kiss would be, but her expectation fell short. That didn’t mean she was ready for more. Besides, she had to think of Emma and what she might want. What if Hugh turned out to be her choice?

“I-I must check on my aunt again.” Lucy latched onto the excuse to escape so she could collect her thoughts. Another few minutes alone with Hugh, and she’d forget all the reasons they couldn’t be together, including Emma.

“Of course.” But he didn’t release her.

Lucy knew she could easily move from his embrace, but his reluctance to let her go tugged at something deep within her. She’d never had anyone hold her like that. In fact, she rarely received affection since her parents had died. The lump forming in her throat jolted her to her feet to escape the lure of him before she made a fool of herself.

“I can’t do this.” She shook her head, not certain to what she referred. Kiss? Share intimacy? Or allow herself to care for this man and risk her heart?

Unable to answer her own questions, she hurried from the room, wiping away her tears as she escaped to her bedchamber.

Hugh cursed himself as he dressed for dinner that evening. He shouldn’t have pressed Lucy for a kiss. He should’ve been satisfied with the tender moment alone with her. Anyone could see the innocence shining in her eyes despite her age. From what he knew, she’d spent the past seven years living with her aunt in isolation. Of course she’d bolted when he’d become amorous. What had he been thinking? Then there was Emma to consider. She was the reason for his presence at the party. Why did he have such difficulty remembering that?

“May I?” James, his valet, stood beside him, eyeing the wreck Hugh was making of his cravat.

With a frustrated sigh, Hugh dropped his hands and turned to face the man. “I don’t know why a knot has to be so elaborate.”

“Nor do I. But fashion dictates that it must. As do the ladies.”

Hugh smiled as James had meant him to. Within a few short minutes, James had worked the knot into perfection. Hugh moved to stand before the looking glass. “Will I do?”

“You will do very well, sir.”

Yet another sigh escaped him. Would Lucy even be at dinner? He should hope she wasn’t. Then perhaps he could focus on his goal of spending more time with Emma. He had nothing to offer

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