Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,334

hers to help her rise. But that small victory was lost when the lady cried out the moment she placed weight on her ankle.

“I’m sorry. I need a moment longer.” Prudence wiped away her tears.

“I’ll get help.” Lucy released her arm to straighten.

“No! Please don’t leave me.” Prudence gripped Lucy’s arm with both hands. “I just need a few minutes.”

Uncertainty filled Lucy. Prudence was already shivering, and the weather was a concern. Yet how could she leave when the woman was so clearly frightened?

Hugh glanced around the guests for Lucy, though the blowing snow made it difficult to see. Two of the sleighs as well as the wagon had already departed. Had she been on one of them? He told himself it didn’t matter. His goal for the outing had been to spend as much time with Emma as possible. And he’d succeeded.

Not only had he ridden in the sleigh beside her, but he’d also traipsed through the woods with her arm tucked under his. He’d had more time with her than he’d hoped. She seemed to appreciate his attention.

But that didn’t keep him from thinking of Lucy. She was ever in his thoughts. The harder he tried to not think of her, the more he did.

“We’re waiting for Miss Barnes and Miss Gray,” Mr. Johnson, one of the other guests, said.

“Where are they?” Hugh asked.

“Miss Barnes lost her scarf, and when she didn’t return, Miss Gray went to assist her. They must be having difficulty finding it.”

Though no one else appeared concerned, something niggled at the back of Hugh’s mind. The snowfall was increasing steadily as was the wind. “Which direction did they go?”

“That way.” Johnson pointed toward the trees.

“I’ll see if I can find them. If I don’t return in a few minutes, send someone after me.”

Hugh waded through the deepening snow, searching the ground to ensure he followed the most recent tracks. The wind gusted, making the task even harder.

“Miss Gray?” he called out, though he feared the wind carried his voice away. “Miss Barnes?”

He shielded his face with his gloved hand to block the blowing snow to better see the tracks only to realize they veered in two directions. The set on the left looked more recent, so he followed those, pausing to call out often.


He squinted into the now blinding snow to see a figure waving in the distance. He hurried forward and found both ladies on the ground.

“Miss Barnes twisted her ankle,” Lucy explained, pitching her voice above the howling wind. “She’s in terrible pain and can’t put weight on it.”

“If you’ll allow me, Miss Barnes, I will carry you.”

She nodded jerkily.

Lucy assisted the lady to stand then Hugh lifted her in his arms. “Can you lead the way?” he asked Lucy.

“Yes.” She followed his tracks, adjusting course when needed.

Progress was slow given his burden and the weather. Miss Barnes shivered in his arms. “We’ll have you warm and dry in no time,” Hugh said as he adjusted his hold. Luckily, she wasn’t heavy, but between wading through the snow and carrying her, he was soon winded.

What should’ve taken ten minutes took double. The sound of shouts caught his ear, and soon dark shapes were visible, coming toward them.

Others hurried forward with offers of help, but Hugh shook his head. They had nearly made it and handing Miss Barnes to someone else might cause her additional pain. He left the explanation of what happened to Lucy and focused on keeping his footing.

Soon they were loaded in the sleigh and returning to the house.

“Thank you,” Lucy said from his side.

He turned to see her large brown eyes filled with gratitude.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t come,” she added, her voice difficult to hear.

He smiled. “As resourceful as you are, I have no doubt you would’ve thought of something. I’m sorry you had to worry for even a moment.”

She nodded but said nothing more.

The ride back to the house seemed to take forever. When they arrived, several men were returning to a sleigh to search for them, including Mr. Barnes.

“Prudence?” he asked as he looked among the bundled-up occupants of the sleigh.

“She’s twisted her ankle.” Hugh hopped down and turned to assist Lucy along with the others.

Within minutes, Miss Barnes was carried to her room, her brother visibly distressed for not having been there to aid her.

After Hugh told the story more times than he cared to in the drawing room, he left in search of Lucy. With all the attention on

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