Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,62

“Not yet. I hope—oh, wait! There she is! Peaches!” She cupped her hands around her mouth. “Peaches, girl, come here!”

Peaches broke into a run, tearing through the tall grass that bordered the lawn. Jackson kept saying that he wanted to get a tractor and cut down the wild field, to turn it into more lawn, but Bianca insisted that she loved it too much to have him mow it down. “Are you crazy, babe?” she’d said one morning when he’d brought up the idea. “Think about all the wildflowers we’d miss out on!”

Peaches galloped across the yard.

“There you are!” Bianca said happily. “Another minute, and we’d all be late for the ceremony.”

“Speaking of which, we’d better get going,” Sandy said.

“Everyone in the backyard is in position,” Nicky said. “Danielle’s holding onto Rufus. She said it was so he didn’t go running off, too.”

“Whew,” Bianca said. She loved the fact that Rufus and Peaches were going to be a part of the wedding, but it did complicate things, just slightly. Compared to the elaborate affair that she and Jackson had put together last time, the complication was extremely minor.

She and Jackson had dated for a whole year before he’d proposed. He’d popped the question on Christmas Eve, while the two of them were out on a night-time stroll with the dogs, looking at Christmas lights. Bianca had been so thrilled, she’d nearly dropped the cup of cocoa in her hands. She’d managed to hang onto it long enough to set it down on a nearby bench, then she’d leapt into Jackson’s arms and squealed a happy “yes!” with all of her heart and soul.

Now, six months after the proposal, their wedding day had arrived.

Mary had gifted the Wylde family house to Jackson immediately after being hospitalized that fateful Christmas Day, and Jackson had since hired a team of architects, builders, and interior designers to renovate the place. In many ways, the house was the same now as it had been when he was younger. But in some ways—like the wall of new windows in the master bedroom—it was beautifully new and upgraded.

Bianca loved living there. She felt so grateful that they were getting married in their very own backyard.

As she walked around the corner, the backyard came into view. She’d worked with landscape artists to perfect the flower beds that spring, and she was very pleased with the results. All around the yard, flowers bloomed. It provided the perfect backdrop for the cluster of white, wooden folding chairs, and the white wooden arch that they were to get married under.

She noticed that Jackson was already in place under the arch. Off to his side, three of his best friends stood, looking handsome in their groomsmen attire.

Danielle, holding onto Rufus, gave Bianca a happy wave. “Ready?” she called out.

Bianca gave a thumbs-up.

Once Danielle gave a signal to the band leader—they’d hired a local country music band—guitar music started up.

Bianca gazed at Jackson again. It was impossible to look anywhere else.

He looked gorgeous in his white shirt and khakis. They’d both decided that for their backyard wedding, they’d dress casually. Bianca loved the feel of her white cotton sundress and the sandals on her feet. She felt so free, so joyful, and so excited about the future.

She held two bouquets in her hands. With a smile, she knelt down and looked at her faithful dog, who stood at her side.

Peaches had been groomed especially for the occasion, but her perfectly brushed fur was now slightly ruffled and wet, thanks to her unexpected adventure to the stream. Bianca laughed and held one of her bouquets out to her furry best friend. “Here you go, Miss Flower Girl. Just like we practiced, okay? Go get a treat!”

Peaches gripped the bouquet between her teeth and trotted off.

Danielle adjusted the pillow that was strapped to Rufus’s wide back. Bianca knew that the wedding bands that she and Jackson would soon put on were tucked into a pocket on the face of the pillow.

“Go on, go see Jackson!” Danielle told the dog as she released him.

Rufus trotted down the aisle after Peaches. He broke into a run at the last minute, and when he reached Jackson, he jumped up. Jackson laughed, accepted the doggy-hug, and then guided Rufus’s massive paws to the ground—all to the delight of the wedding guests, who laughed at the show. Jackson fed Rufus a treat and encouraged him to take a seat near Peaches.

One by one, Bianca’s bridesmaids walked down the aisle.

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