Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,63

a deep breath when Danielle reached the halfway mark. This is it, she thought.

The guitar player twanged out the opening notes to “Here Comes the Bride,” and Bianca took her first step.

I’m marrying the man of my dreams, Bianca thought, as she walked. She started to cry as she approached Jackson—she just couldn’t help it.

He’s perfect, she thought. And he’s going to be an amazing father.

Her mind turned to the happy news that they’d received just the week before: Bianca was pregnant. Both she and Jackson were excited to share their joy with close family members later that evening. It would make the day even more special.

The house was perfectly suited for a family. Bianca had already planned out which rooms would be used for the nursery, the playroom, and the children’s bedrooms. She and Jackson had discussed the possibility of having two or three children, and Bianca felt overwhelmed with joy at the thought that they were about to become parents together.

Guests on either side of the aisle snapped photos as she passed. Bianca paused when she reached the front row, where her mom sat.

Helen was doing much better now that she was living in Bianca’s cottage, which Bianca had completely paid off and renovated to accommodate her mother’s needs. The full-time nursing care helped Helen immensely, and Bianca had wanted her mom to walk her down the aisle, but she still wasn’t quite up to walking the distance of the aisle.

Bianca knelt and gave her mom a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek.

“I’m so proud of you, honey,” Helen whispered into Bianca’s ear. “You deserve all of this and so much more.”

Bianca was teary as she kissed her mom again and then stood.

She approached Jackson, who held his hands out. When she laid her palms on his and felt the warmth of his fingers as they curled around hers, she felt connected to him on a deeper level than ever before. She knew that with each new day that passed, she’d continue to know him better and better.

As they’d practiced, she spoke her vows first, and then slid a wedding band onto Jackson’s finger.

Tears slid down Bianca’s cheeks as Jackson began his vows.

“I love you, Bianca,” he said. “I’ve loved you since the minute I first met you. Thank you for always making me laugh; thank you for your big heart and for always being by my side. And especially, thank you for giving me a reason to let go of the past, embrace the future, and declare the love I feel for you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life as your husband.”

Bianca smiled through her tears. Rufus, who had just offered up the wedding bands, wagged his tail. Peaches gave a happy bark.

Jackson, whose cheeks were also wet with tears, laughed at the bark. Bianca smiled, too. As always, their dogs were providing ample comic relief.

The ring felt cool against her finger as Jackson slid it on.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant announced.

Jackson didn’t hesitate for a minute. He swept Bianca off of her feet. She felt herself tilt back, weightless in his arms. It was the best kiss of her life.

When he righted her, she turned just in time to see Rufus stand up on his hind legs and place both paws on her hips. He wore a big, goofy grin, as he lapped his tongue in the air, trying to offer up kisses of his own. Bianca laughed as Peaches joined in, jumping up against Rufus and knocking him over so that he was on all four paws. Bianca knelt down and scooped both dogs up into a hug.

Jackson joined them, keeling down so that Peaches could give him a few sloppy doggy kisses on the cheek.

The guests erupted into laughter as they threw blue, yellow, and white confetti into the air. It rained down over everyone, shimmering in the sunlight, as the band started up with a raucous rendition of one of Bianca and Jackson’s favorite country songs.

Bianca was happy to catch sight of a photographer clicking away, capturing the pure joy of the scene. She had a loving relationship with her handsome husband, a beautiful home with two crazy dogs, and a baby on the way. It was truly the best moment of her life.

The End

I hope you’ve enjoyed Bianca and Jackson’s story! Keep reading for the first chapter of the previous book in this festive series, A Billionaire Boyfriend For Christmas

Happy reading!

Love, Holly x

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