Million Dollar Christmas Bride - Holly Rayner Page 0,61

apologize,” Mary said.

To Bianca’s surprise, Mary actually smiled.

“In fact, I should be thanking you,” Mary said. “This has been the best Christmas I’ve had in years.”

Bianca raised her eyebrows. “Really?” she said. “With the fake wedding and everything?”

Mary laughed again. “Yes, with the fake wedding and everything. You see, for the first time in ages, I feel close to my children. That’s worth so much… I was blind to that for a long time. I’m glad that now I can finally see it clearly.”

Mary’s focus changed, and Bianca realized that the elderly woman was no longer looking at her. She’d shifted her gaze to the side of the room. Bianca turned and noticed that she could see three figures standing outside in the bright hallway.

The doctor was speaking. Danielle, standing across from him, nodded as she listened. Jackson, who was slightly off to the side, paid close attention to the doctor’s words as well. Only his profile was visible. Bianca was struck yet again by what a handsome profile he had.

“They’re special, those two,” Mary said softly. “I was a fool to move so far away. I missed decades with them.”

“You’re here now,” Bianca said gently.

“Yes. I am,” Mary said. She turned her gaze back to Bianca. “It’s clear to me that Jackson adores you. I’m so glad he’s found someone. You two make quite the pair.”

“Thank you,” Bianca said, blushing.

“I want you to know something,” Mary said. She lowered her voice slightly, even though she and Bianca were the only two in the room. “I’m going to give him the house. I can’t live there on my own anymore—today proved that. What if this had happened and no one had been around to help?” She shook her head. “No. I can’t risk it. And Jackson is right—that house is so rich with memories. If he wants it, he should have it.”

“Oh, Mary,” Bianca said happily. “Jackson will be so happy to hear this!”

“I think so, too,” Mary said. “And maybe you should be happy about it, as well.” Her dark eyes glinted mischievously, and she flashed a knowing smile. “After all, I have a strong feeling that you might be living there with him one day. I think you two will have quite the future together.” She propped herself up slightly in the bed. “Now, if I can just get my ticker to work well enough so that I’ll be around to see it.”

Bianca grinned and reached for the woman’s hand. “You will,” she said. “I’ve been watching your heartbeat here on the monitor for the past little while. It looks strong and steady.”

Mary smiled as Bianca held her hand. “I might be getting ahead of myself, dear, but I’m going to come right out and say it. Welcome to the family. You’re a real sweetheart, and Jackson’s lucky to be with you.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” said a deep voice with a Southern drawl.

Bianca looked up to see Jackson striding toward her with a huge smile on his face. Their eyes met, and Bianca realized the warmth and desire had returned to his gaze. He reached out and wrapped her in his arms. And Bianca knew.

This is the man I’m going to grow old with.


Eighteen Months Later: Bianca

“Peaches! Peaches… come!” Bianca yelled.

“Have you found her?” Sandy asked. She held a bouquet of daisies in her hands and wore a sky-blue, knee-length dress.

Bianca felt so happy seeing her neighbor in the dress. It had been hard to pick out a style of dress that would flatter each of her bridesmaids, but she felt she’d succeeded. Sandy looked beautiful.

“Not yet,” Bianca said. “She loves to run out across that field because there’s a stream over there that she likes to drink from.” She raised a hand to shield her eyes from the bright summer sunlight.

“Any luck?” Nicky asked as she hustled across the lawn to join them. She looked just as lovely as Sandy in her blue bridesmaid gown. She’d even gotten a manicure for the occasion—and had insisted on taking Sandy, Danielle, and Bianca along to the salon.

Danielle, who had arrived earlier that week for the pre-wedding festivities, had been reluctant to go, seeing as she’d just had gel manicure applied before leaving LA. However, once she got into the spirit of the event, she’d relaxed and had fun with it. The four of them had even gone out to lunch afterward and had laughed the whole time. It had been a real blast.

“Nope,” Bianca said, to answer Nicky’s question. Copyright 2016 - 2024