Mason Wolfe (Wolfe Brothers #3) - Sandi Lynn Page 0,49

me. I understand why you couldn’t.”

“Really? Aw, that makes me feel better,” she spoke with sarcasm. “I’m happy he told you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back down to the ER.”

“How long are you going to stay pissed at me?” he asked.

“I’m not pissed at you, Mason. I’m hurt. Instead of telling me how you felt, you just out of the blue said I’m done with you.” I got up from the table and walked away.

“I’m sorry about that. Maybe I did it the wrong way. Hell, is there even a right way? Because either way, I still would have hurt you.”

“And that’s on me,” I said as I pushed the button to the elevator. “I let my guard down and I trusted you.”

He grabbed hold of my arm, pulled me into one of the empty rooms and shut the door.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I was up front with you from the start. In fact, we were both up front with each other. Then you told me you loved me, and it freaked me the fuck out. Not to mention that you fucking told my family about us and our arrangement.”

“I didn’t have a choice,” I spoke through gritted teeth. “Your mother and sisters are all lawyers and they tricked me. When did I tell you I loved you?”

“That night after I brought you home.”

“When I was drunk?” I laughed. “And you actually believed me?”

“People tend to tell the truth when alcohol is involved.”

“Okay. So what? My bad. I thought we had something special, something different. But I was stupid to believe you could ever love me back.”

“Sara, you’re not stupid. You’re one of the smartest people I know. It’s just—” he rubbed the back of his neck.

“Don’t Mason. Don’t humiliate me than you already have.”

I opened the door and walked out as I could feel the tears stinging my eyes.

“Sara, wait!” I heard him yell.

After my shift was over, I didn’t want to go home, so I texted Aspen and asked her if I could come over. She told me to come and that she’d have the wine and cookie dough ready for when I got there.

“Hey, how are you?” She gave me a hug when I stepped off the elevator.

“I’m okay.”

“Your face tells me otherwise.” She smirked as she led me into the kitchen.

“Hey, Sara,” Elijah spoke.

“Hi, Elijah.”

“I’m glad you’re here. I have a question for you. Jack said that you have all his medical records. Everything he said was true?”


“So aside from his terminal cancer, he is bi-polar?”

“Yes. When he left New York and went to Alaska, he checked himself into a psychiatric facility for almost a year. He’s been on a range of medication ever since.”

“Thanks.” He kissed my cheek. “I have to run. Apparently, he left town and a letter that I need to go read with my brothers.”

“Mason stopped by the hospital today and showed me the letter. I’m sorry, Elijah. Maybe I shouldn’t have talked him into telling you boys.”

“You’re a good person and you did the right thing. Is everything cool now between you and my brother?”

“No. Not at all.”

He placed his hand on my shoulder. “He’s battling his own demons just like me and Nathan did. Give him some time.”

I gave him a small smile and a nod while he kissed Aspen goodbye and stepped onto the elevator.

“Come on, let’s sit down. I was going to have us bake cookies, but I think maybe we should just eat the dough, have some wine and girl talk.” Aspen smiled.

“Sounds like a plan,” I spoke as I sat down.

Chapter 38

One Week Later


The night we all met at our mother’s and read the letter, was the night that we put our past to rest. Jack was gone and there was nothing we could do. Elijah had the hardest time coming to terms that he had walked back in our lives for a brief time, but he accepted it and we all agreed to move on. I thought the person who would take it the hardest would be my mother, but she was fine. She had Tommy to get her through it, Elijah had Aspen, and Nathan had Allison. I was left to deal with it alone, and I had no one to blame but myself. I was too scared to tell Sara how I felt about her, so instead, I pushed her away. It’s what I’d always done. The only time I ever felt brave in life was when Copyright 2016 - 2024