Mason Wolfe (Wolfe Brothers #3) - Sandi Lynn Page 0,48

to the lobby.

“May I help you?” the girl behind the desk asked.

“I’m looking for Jack Dawson. I just went up to his room, and he didn’t answer.”

“Mr. Dawson checked out early this morning. Are you Mason Wolfe?” she asked.


“Mr. Dawson left this for you in case you came by.”

She handed me a white envelope with all of our names on it.

“Thank you.”

I walked out of the hotel and down the street, holding the envelope in my hand. I didn’t know what to do. Did I open it now or did I wait until I was with Nathan and Elijah? I grabbed a coffee and went to Central Park. As I sat on the bench with my coffee in one hand, I stared at the envelope in my other. Fuck it. I opened the envelope and took out the cream-colored folded paper.

Dear Sons,

I hope this letter finds its way to you, and if it does, that means I’ll be gone when you’re reading this. I know nothing I can say will erase the past and the hurt and betrayal that I’ve caused you boys and your mother. I told you why I had to leave all those years ago and I know you will never be able to understand. Being in the same room with the three of you last night was truly a dream come true for me. You have no idea how much I wanted to do that over the years but never had to the courage to face you after what I’d done. All I wanted was to see my boys fully grown as men, and I never intended to disrupt your lives. I hope that one day, you can find it in your hearts to forgive me. Not because I deserve to be forgiven, but for your own peace. I’ve lived the past thirty years unable to forgive myself for abandoning you, but after seeing you all and how you’ve grown into such fine young successful men, I can finally forgive myself for making the right decision, whether you believe it was the wrong one. I don’t know where I’m going when I leave here, but wherever I end up, I know I will finally be at peace. I hope you will do the same to find peace in your hearts and put the past and me to rest. Whether you believe me or not, I love each and every one of you, just like I have since the day you were born. Take care of yourselves, your family and most of all, take care of your mother.



I sighed as I folded the paper and tears filled my eyes. Pulling out my phone, I sent a text message to Nathan.

“What time are you going to be home tonight?”

“My last flight gets in around six, so I should be home around eight. Why?”

“We need to meet at Mom’s. Just head there after work.”

“Why? We were just there last night.”

“Jack is gone, and he left a letter. Just be there.”

“Fine. I’ll see you later.”

I sent a text message to Elijah.

“Meet at Mom’s tonight at eight o’clock.”


“Jack is gone, and he left a letter.”

“Good, and I don’t care.”

“For fuck’s sakes, bro. Just fucking be there. I’ll let Mom know we’re coming.”

“I’ll see if I can be there. I’m not making any promises.”

I sat there and shook my head as I dialed my mother.

“Hello, darling.”

“Mom, we’re all meeting at your house tonight at eight. Jack is gone, and he left a letter.”

“I know.” She sighed. “I’ll see you then.”

Chapter 37


I was sitting in the cafeteria having lunch when I looked up and saw Mason standing there.

“What are you doing here?” I asked with a sigh.

“I need to talk to you about Jack.”

“Mason, I—”

“I know about him, Sara. I know he’s my father and I know he’s dying. He was at my mother’s house last night and so were me and my brothers. I wanted to talk to you last night, but Kylie said you were sleeping in the on-call room and I didn’t want to wake you.”

“Sit down.” I motioned.

“He told us everything. Now he’s left town and left this letter for us.” I slid the paper across the table.

She picked it up and read it.

“Why are you showing me this?”

“Because I think if it wasn’t for you, he never would have revealed himself and he would have left town and we never would have known. And I want you to know that I’m not mad at you for not telling Copyright 2016 - 2024