Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,43

from his clothes. Fiora pulled her shirt from over her head.

Jaxx settled between her now-naked legs. Fiora ran her hands over him, trying to touch everywhere at once. Everything about him mesmerized her—his smell, his touch, the taste of his warm and gentle kisses. It was as if he poured himself into her, giving her everything.

She felt connected to him like she’d never felt connected to anything. With him there were no thoughts of the future—a rare blessing. There was only the now, and now she wanted his touch to last forever.

Excitement flooded her. Her breathing deepened. Jaxx kissed his way to her ear and then moved down her neck. Calloused hands cupped her breasts, and he squeezed gently.

Fiora rubbed her legs against him, feeling the texture of his skin along the full length of her body. His kisses replaced his hands on her chest, and she wove her fingers into his hair to keep him close. Heat infused his kisses, and his golden eyes glanced up at her. The dragon simmered below his surface. Each second grew her passion.

Present. She was present.

Fiora alternated between pressing his mouth to her nipple and reaching to scratch her nails against his back and shoulders. He moved his mouth lower, working his way down her stomach to her thighs. Jaxx moaned as his hot kisses resumed on her sex, teasing her with his tongue. She pulled at his arms, trying to get him to come over her so that they may join. Her foot ran along his hip to hook around his ass to draw him closer.

Only when her body began to tremble with the threat of release did he return his mouth to hers. His thick cock bumped her inner thigh, urging her to part her legs. She eagerly thrust her hips forward.

Jaxx entered her slowly as if savoring the moment. Nothing beyond them mattered. There was no past, no future, no threats, just the glorious now.

Fiora clung to him, desperate for the release he offered. Her body teetered on the brink of climax. Jaxx thrust fully into her. She wiggled beneath him, urging him to move.

They set a natural rhythm as they joined, one that built in tempo until it became almost frantic. Fiora needed him, all of him. He pushed up on the bed for leverage. She grabbed his hips and tried to force him deeper with each pass. He didn’t stop pumping his hips until they finally found that perfect moment of release.

Fiora couldn’t hold back as she cried out softly. Jaxx’s moan joined hers. He delved forward one last time, embedding himself deep.

Fiora could not imagine a more perfect moment. Being with Jaxx, feeling him, shifted something deep inside her. He made her feel safe. He freed her from the pain of her visions.

She wrapped her arms around him and held him on top of her. The weight of him pressed her into the mattress, making it hard to breathe. She didn’t care. She didn’t want to let go of him. She felt him sigh next to her neck.

“I feel connected to you, Jaxx,” she whispered. “I can’t explain why, but I know I’m meant to be with you.”

He lifted from her and shifted his weight to the side. She deeply inhaled as he settled next to her. “My ancestors would say it’s because our being together is the will of the gods.”

“Fate.” Fiora nodded thoughtfully. “I like the idea of having a fate.”

“As do I,” he agreed. “I don’t need a glowing crystal to tell me what I feel. I love you, Fiora. I have since the first time we met.”

“The first time we met, I…” She glanced down toward his hips and scrunched up her nose. “I’m still sorry about that.”

“Think nothing of it. I would fly through the fires of Bravon for you. All I care about is that you’re here and you’re with me.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

“I love you, too, Jaxx,” Fiora said, closing her eyes and holding him tight. “I don’t want to lose you. I might have been wrong about the death mark, and I pray that I am, but I know I’m not wrong about the death coming to Shelter City. The images are still there in my mind from when Grier flew me over. We need to help those people.”

“Then we will help them.”

Fiora hoped it was as simple as him willing it to be so. “My entire life I didn’t want to see the future, Copyright 2016 - 2024