Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,42

and sister have that time together without grief. Give them that small hope of freedom.” Fiora reached to take his hand, stopping all visions. Sometimes doing nothing was the most challenging task of all. “And make sure they don’t speak to me before they go or I’ll ruin it for them by telling them the truth.”

Jaxx nodded. “It will be as you recommend.”

Fiora became aware of the feel of his skin, not because it took away her visions, but the texture and heat of it. Warmth radiated from his body. No, not just warmth, an electricity she could feel snapping against her length. It called her to come closer. She might not be able to see her own future, but she knew what she wanted.

“Ask me what I’m thinking,” she whispered.

“What are you thinking?”

“I want you to kiss me,” she answered. “I want you to move closer.”

Jaxx leaned his mouth nearer, letting the brush of his lips tease hers as he said, “Ask me what I’m thinking.”

“What are you thinking?” she asked, her body tensing with anticipation.

“That I want to kiss you and move closer.”

He closed the distance between their mouths. She felt protected in his embrace. His hand moved behind her back, inching her toward him so their bodies pressed together. The rise of his chest as he breathed moved hard muscles against her sensitive breasts. She became aware of his heart beating beneath her palm.

Jaxx’s kiss held only pleasure. His touch kept the world from plaguing her mind. Fiora still felt a little weak from her injury, but she didn’t want to stop. She wanted to live in this moment forever.

His kiss deepened, his tongue parting her lips. When he caressed her, he acted as if she might crumble. His touch remained light, his fingers kneading her clothes.

There were so many truths she wanted to speak, but only one seemed important enough to escape her lips. “I feel connected to you, Jaxx. Every second of my life has been bringing me to this moment, to you. I have seen enough of life to know that I love you.”

Her words caused him to lean back so he could study her face. “I know I should not tell you I love you. It feels selfish to say knowing I will not be here…” He hesitated. “I will not be here to…”

“I may have been wrong about the death mark,” Fiora said. “I can’t see my future, or rarely anything that has to do with my future, so maybe that means I’m in your future.”

The words came from her lips so it had to be true. There had to be a chance. Though the fact she saw nothing of his future didn’t exactly support the idea. Not everything about this man’s future would involve her. She should have seen something, even if it was just a small glimpse of something random.

Jaxx grinned. “I like that prediction.”

“It wasn’t a prediction. It was a guess,” she corrected. “Or more like a wish.”

“I’m going to choose to believe that’s our fate,” Jaxx answered, stopping any further comments with his kiss. His hands roamed over her hip and waist.

She wrapped her arm around him as they laid on their sides, feeling along his spine. The smooth skin gave no hint of the dragon beneath. She found herself concentrating on his muscles, pressing them to see if she could detect anything hidden within.

Jaxx pulled away and glanced over his shoulder. “What are you looking for?”

“Scales,” Fiora answered. “Or wing bumps.”

“Wing bumps?” He gave a small laugh.

“They have to retract somewhere,” Fiora said, drawing her hand to his neck to cup his face.

Jaxx’s eyes flashed with gold, and the sight of it gave her a small thrill. His hand roamed down her stomach before diving beneath her waistband. “While you’re doing that, I’m going to look for…”

Fiora laughed, cutting off his words, but her laughter didn’t last long as desire took over. His fingers found their target as they slipped between her thighs. A jolt of awareness shot over her at the intimate touch. She inhaled deeply, moving against him.

There were no timelines to interrupt her thoughts, and she focused entirely on Jaxx. Each feeling became magnified. He pushed his knee between hers, opening her thighs for better access.

Jaxx adjusted his hips, rolling her onto her back. The motion pulled his hand away, and she instantly reached to push her pants from her waist. She didn’t want the pleasure to stop. He followed her lead, freeing himself Copyright 2016 - 2024