Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,44

and now all I wish is that I could peek into ours to know everything is going to work out. I’ve never been this frightened.”

Jaxx held her close, stroking her naked back.

“Actually, I’ve never been this present in a moment,” she said. “Everything is so quiet when I’m with you, and it’s giving me time to think, which really means I have time to worry.”

Jaxx touched the bottom of her chin and angled her mouth toward his. “I have to believe that the gods wouldn’t let us find each other if we weren’t supposed to be together.”


“I was worried about you.” Salena sat next to Fiora on the couch.

Olena helped Jaxx pack a bag for their trip. The low sound of their conversation drifted from the kitchen.

“I came up to check on you, but,” Salena made a small noise that sounded almost like a laugh and leaned in to whisper, “when I came by the door it sounded like you were a little occupied so I didn’t knock.”

Fiora’s eyes rounded as she got her sister’s meaning. Thankfully, there wasn’t a question in that statement, and she didn’t give a full accounting of what had transpired in the bedroom.

Fiora still felt weak, but Jaxx watching over her had helped her sleep. When she’d woken up next to him, he’d been holding her hand. Without a word, he’d leaned over to kiss her and make love to her again. The feel of his mouth lingered, even now.

“You were right about those people needing help,” Salena continued. “I questioned them. They didn’t admit to wanting to harm us. They were frightened. Grace and Yusef are escorting them to the mountains to a safehold.”

Fiora touched her shoulder, feeling for a wound she knew wouldn’t be there. Without Jaxx touching her, she was able to recall in full detail the pain the brother would be feeling when his sister died. “Dulla and Brogan.”

“Yes.” Salena nodded. “Dulla’s husband was harming her. Brogan helped her escape from Shelter City. She’d tried running away before, but the husband found her.”

“I don’t expect anyone could hide for very long in a closed city,” Fiora answered.

“I would say that’s a safe assumption,” Salena said. “That city is no place to raise a child. It’s barely inhabitable for adults. They’ll be taken care of by Grier’s family.”

Fiora didn’t meet her sister’s eyes. She wasn’t even able to nod in fake agreement. To do so would be a lie.

“You don’t think so?” Salena asked, touching her arm to get her to look at her.

“No. The mother won’t be taken care of. She is going to die in labor, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Jaxx and I tried to come up with a different scenario, but sometimes things are what they are. It’s the mother’s time. As much as I want to, I can’t stop it.”

Fiora hated the feeling of helplessness that came from visions like these. She saw the woman’s future change so many times, but none of the variations mattered.

“We should warn Yusef,” Salena said. “If he knows, he can—”

“No. It will make things worse.” Fiora wished her sister would stop, but Salena kept making suggestions, and Fiora kept seeing new versions of the mother’s death.

“Yes, I promise to be careful,” Jaxx said to his mother as he approached them, interrupting the conversation. “Yes, we will come back as soon as we’re done.”

“There has to be something we can do. We just need to find the right combination of events,” Salena insisted.

“It’s not like I wish her dead,” Fiora answered, standing. The tension headache had begun to build.

“I never thought you did,” Salena answered.

Grier came inside in the process of pulling on a shirt. “The path looks clear for travel.” He glanced between his wife and Fiora. He appeared concerned but didn’t ask about it. “Should we leave?”

“Yes.” Fiora went toward Jaxx and took his hand to stop the replay of the mother’s death as it settled back into the original version. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly as the headache eased.

Jaxx cupped her face, clearly not caring who saw his affection for her. “You can stop at any time. Just say the word. I won’t leave your side.”

Fiora nodded. “Thank you. I want to get it over with. Can we go?”

No part of walking into a packed city sounded like fun, but she hoped with Jaxx by her side this time would be different. Still, there would come a moment when Copyright 2016 - 2024