Madness of the Horde King - Zoey Draven Page 0,143

tipped my face up to kiss me. Soft and slow. A kiss that made my skin tingle and my belly warm with happiness.

“I did not ask before,” he murmured against me, pulling away so he could look into my eyes. “I simply demanded.”

“About what?” I whispered, confused.

“I told you once that I never intended to take a Morakkari,” he continued and realization made my lips part. “I did not think myself worthy of one.”

My heart squeezed in my chest because I knew he spoke what he believed to be the truth, even though it was the furthest thing from it.

“And I know that I do not deserve you, Vienne,” he rasped, “but when I saw you in Dothik, you called to me. This small, beautiful creature had suddenly come into my life and I think even then I knew that something was changing. That something was being set into motion and I was helpless to stop it.”

He stroked my face, the expression in his eyes one of awe…and if I’d ever doubted what he felt for me before, I only needed to look at him now to know the unparalleled truth.

Because the Mad Horde King had fallen in love with a white-haired human slave turned sorceress.

“I will spend the rest of our lives proving to you that I am worthy of your love, leikavi,” he promised. “So I will ask you now…will you be my Morakkari? My mate, my queen to the horde, my wife?”

I’d cried more times than I could count in my life, so it was no surprise when the tears fell down my cheeks now.

“You have nothing to prove to me, Davik,” I told him. “I will love you regardless. And I will love you as your Morakkari. Until the end of our days.”

His voice was gruff when he asked, “Promise?”

I didn’t need my gift to feel his relief, his happiness, his love.

“I promise.”


Two moon cycles later…

“Leikavi,” Davik hissed, his tone warning.

I smiled, kneeling between his legs in the washing tub. My hand was already curled around his cock, which jutted from the water, throbbing and hot. I leaned forward, lapping at the head as my horde king’s groan reverberated around our voliki.

I had been teasing him for the last few moments, alternating between stroking him and suckling him. Our nightly bathing sessions always ended the same way…with me on my back or on my knees or straddling his hips.

But I enjoyed teasing him. Pleasing him. When I’d regained my strength after the Dead Mountain, we had been ravenous for one another…and that drive and need had not diminished in the weeks afterwards. It had only seemed to grow.

The thick column of his throat strained when he tilted it back. I licked his cock and I felt some of his seed land on my tongue, just a taste, just the beginning of what was to come. Some nights, he would let me suckle and kiss his cock until he released into my mouth. Other nights, he would spend the entirety of the evening with his head between my thighs until I had to beg him for mercy, for reprieve. And other nights, like this night, I knew my horde king was already on edge and wouldn’t allow me to tease him much longer.

And just as I knew, when I lapped at the slit of his cock, eager for more seed, he growled, leaping from the bath with me in his arms.

He didn’t bother to dry us off. He brought us close to the fire basin instead, dropping us both down onto the rugs lining our voliki, spreading my legs wide...

A shuddered moan tore from my throat when he thrust inside me. It was powerful and impatient and intense. I had teased my husband too long, it seemed.

My arms went overhead and his head dropped, tonguing my bared breasts, lapping at the water to dry them. A smile crossed my features when he pulled back to look at my face, his hips pumping ferociously between my thighs.

His eyes heated when he saw my grin. He kissed me, stroking his tongue against mine as a shuddered sigh escaped me, as he clasped my hands in his, bringing our bodies closer together until his chest was plastered to mine, until I could feel his heartbeat strumming across my sensitive skin, until I could feel his dakke humming against my clit.

“You like your pleasure, rei Morakkari?” he rasped against me, squeezing my hands in his. “You like when I slide my Copyright 2016 - 2024