Madness of the Horde King - Zoey Draven Page 0,144

cock deep inside you, when I suckle on your breasts, and make you come for me?”

“Yes,” I whispered, my back arching. “You feel so good.”

His rough groan lit me up from the inside.

I heard every sound—every shuddering gasp, every slap of our flesh as he drove inside me harder and deeper, every whispered word he murmured in my ear, alternating between sweet words that made my heart throb and words that made my blood burn with desire.

Gods, I loved him.

His Vorakkar cuffs pressed into the golden markings around my wrist, the markings I’d received after our tassimara, after I’d become Morakkari to his horde and tied myself to him for the rest of our lives—after he’d become my husband and tied himself to me for the rest of our lives.

And I swore, as our hands were connected, as he looked deep into my eyes, and he slid deep inside me…I swore I felt something familiar, sparked by the love and awe I felt with every part of my being.

I swore I felt a sparking of energy, that familiar warmth tingling through my mind.

My lips parted but then it was gone. But I’d felt it return to me, albeit briefly.

Maybe it hadn’t been extinguished forever.

My orgasm caught me by surprise when I felt Davik’s pace quicken. His cock was beginning to thicken inside me as I squeezed around him. A guttural cry tore from my throat but I never looked away from him. I wanted him to see what he did to me. I wanted him to know.

My body pulsed, the intense pleasure coming in waves. My lips curled with it.

“Lo kassiri tei,” he rasped in my ear. “Vok! Take it from me, leikavi!”

He continued to piston his hips between my legs, elongating my own pleasure…and then he was bellowing with his release, a rough cry filling the voliki, as I felt jets of his seed fill me, mark me.

It felt sublime. As it always did with him.

Afterwards, he made certain not to collapse on top of me, ever worried about the life that was beginning to grow within my womb. I’d discovered I was pregnant shortly after our tassimara and though my belly was only just beginning to round, Davik already fussed over me like I would give birth any moment.

I knew his question would come before he asked.

“Did I hurt you?” he murmured, pulling me into his arms, our skin warming from the fire basin, drying up the last of our bath water.

“No. Never,” I told him, giving him a small, happy, exhausted smile. No matter how many times I’d told him that, he always asked. He seemed to fear his own strength, whereas I barely gave it a second thought.

We rested in silence as I cuddled into his chest, our legs intertwining, his tail wrapping around my ankle, keeping me anchored to him. One of his hands came to rest on my growing belly…and it was only in these moments, when we were together, lying peacefully, that Davik ever seemed to truly relax.

He always had a million things on his mind. He was Vorakkar to a Dakkari horde, after all, and it was almost time to leave the eastlands. The seasons were changing again, as they always would, and truthfully, I was eager to see more of my home planet, beyond the eastlands, beyond the shadow of the Dead Mountain. Davik had promised me he would lead his horde south, so that I could see the Trikki and the glorious waterfalls and lush valleys that dotted the region.

Now that I was pregnant, he worried even more. A part of me wondered if he regretted replacing the heartstone in the ancient groves—which we’d done before our tassimara, together—because to him, the heartstone represented safety for me and for the life growing inside me, just in case anything happened.

But that was my horde king. He had experienced tragedy and loss in his life that no being should have to experience…and it had marked him and would always mark him in some way. Now that I was pregnant, his fear and worry that I too would be taken from him had doubled because now he fretted over the life inside me, the life we’d created together, the life he already loved so dearly that sometimes it brought tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

I did my best to reassure him but I knew that it would take time. I had faith that we would live out a very long life Copyright 2016 - 2024