Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,149

said it’s not prudent to call you. Please tell me if you are safe. Are you still in New York? Are they blackmailing you? Do you know what Eric is doing? Please be careful and run away from my mother! Do not believe a word she says. She’s manipulative, and her sweet little voice sounds like she’s harmless. But she’s crazy! She tried to implant a tracking chip in me! I love you, P.

“Hey…” I peer up and find Alex standing in front of me, rubbing his fingers over my cheek to calm my apparent nervousness. “I know it’s hard, but we need to be as diligent as possible.”

I find myself staring into his piecing blue eyes, but a sudden wave of panic flashes through me. Images of Dr. Nel taking the syringe out of her briefcase along with a little flask containing the tracking chip fill my mind. And I recall how Dad didn’t even blink. He just stood there, assisting in one of the most horrific moments of my life, totally indifferent. It’s unbelievable how he has changed so much with the threats and influence of Mom in New York. And I’m scared, so scared, that Emma will find herself in the same situation.

“When will I be able to call her?” I ask him as I send the message to his iPhone through AirDrop.

Alex takes a quick glance at his screen, acknowledging the receipt of my text. “When I’m sure it’s safe to do so.”

The uncertainly in his answer makes my heart ache. “If something happens to her…”

His hands hold my arms, and he looks steadily at me. “I’m gonna make sure Emma is safe, okay? No one is gonna hurt her.”

Taking a deep breath, my head dips down a bit, anxiety blurring my thoughts. I know Emma is a big girl, but still. I can’t imagine something happening to her and not being able to prevent it. Then, my gaze goes up to him, and looking him in the eye, all I can say is “Make sure she is safe.”

Throughout the day, I try my best to focus on my online classes, but Emma’s voice message is all I can think of. Leaving her in New York with Eric, my parents, and Dr. Nel terrifies me. Maybe I’m exaggerating, I tell myself. After all, Emma knows how to get herself out of any difficult situation better than anyone else I know. Plus, she’s a Hasenfratz, which means she’s pretty much untouchable. And unlike my dad, Mom can’t threaten to ruin her reputation, since she’s not a public figure. I look at my laptop screen as the prof speaks, but I can’t process his voice. I can only hear Emma’s. He’s the attorney general of New York, in case you didn’t know. Yeah… it’s pretty fucked up. Those words play again in my head like a broken record. And they don’t seem to stop. Does Eric know things about Emma that could compromise her? Impossible.

“Ms. Van Gatt?” I peer over at the stewardess walking in my direction. “Your fiancé is calling you. He’s upstairs on the flybridge.”

As I look behind her, I see land from afar. Land! Finally! I close my laptop, leap off the lounge chair, and trot toward the staircase that goes to the flybridge.

“Wow,” I utter as I take in the panoramic sea view. Being on the highest part of the boat, the breeze is much stronger here, and the sunlight too. Standing beside Alex, my eyes alight on what seems to be a distant long sandy beach that stretches for miles, with vast green scenery behind it. Looking a bit more carefully, I can spot a small dock on the beach, which gives access to a villa with a white-tiled roof perched right there amid the lush vegetation.

I feel Alex peering discreetly at me, probably to look at my expression as I stand admiring the view. “Welcome to Bermuda.” And he takes my hand, giving it a kiss.

Squinting my eyes, I notice there are a few people standing on the dock and waving in our direction. I look around but don’t see any other boats nearby. “Who are those people waving at us on the dock?”

“My dad and his staff,” Alex replies.

My jaw drops instantly. “Your dad is in Bermuda?” Let’s say Hendrik is far away, I remember Julia saying at Christmas. “Wait, that’s where he’s been living since the separation?”

Alex gives me one of his irresistible smiles. “Not too bad, huh?”

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