Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,148

me if I gave you a phone and if I know where you are. I denied everything, but I’ve got the feeling there is an investigation going on, and I don’t think it’s safe for you guys to come back.” There’s a pause while Emma takes a deep breath in and out. “I overheard them talking about a tracking device or something.” Oh gosh, my body freezes at her words. “Be careful, babe. Love you.” And the voice message ends.

Oh my goodness. I feel the urge to call Emma straightaway and ask her if they did anything to her. But I force myself to stop. Alex was clear I couldn’t reach out to anyone, as it could leave traces of our location. But what if they threatened her? What if she is in danger? What if they locked her up? My parents are beyond crazy. But I know it’s mainly Mom who is the driving force behind all this. Indeed, behind her sugary voice and sweet little smile, that woman is pure Machiavellian evil. Blowing out a breath, I play the voice message again, and force myself to analyze every word coming out of her mouth. This time, though, the first thing I notice is that Emma doesn’t mention even once if she is okay. The Emma I know always starts a message talking about herself and how amazing her life is wherever she is. Not hearing that is a huge red flag. I keep listening and pause after she says, “Yeah… it’s pretty fucked up.”

There is a lot of hesitation in her voice as she talks about Matthew’s dad. Like she is apprehensive to reveal something. What is she afraid of though? The Emma I know is blunt, direct, and doesn’t shy away from anything. The more I listen to her voice, the more I feel the urge to call her. Decision made, I run back inside the boat, searching for Alex.

I find him in the living room, sitting on the sofa, a bunch of papers spread out on the low table in front of him.

And without wasting any time, I say, “Emma sent me a voice message.”

“What?” he utters almost automatically as his gaze meets mine. “How does she even have your number?”

“You didn’t give it to her?” I ask instantly.

“No, I just gave her the phone and told her to give it to you.” Alex pauses, thinking something through. “I guess she called herself from it to save your new number.” And he lets out a loud rush of air in annoyance. “Damn it.”

“It’s okay. Um, my parents went to her house along with Matthew and his dad.” And I think it’s best to disclose the rest. “His dad is the attorney general of New York, by the way.” I pause, gauging his reaction, but Alex doesn’t seem surprised. “Did you know that?”

“No, I had no idea.”

“Oh, okay. Um, Emma told me there’s an investigation going on.” Words are hard to get out amid my racing heartbeats. “I need to call her to find out more.”

“Petra, you know the rules.”

“I have to talk to her,” I insist. “I need to make sure she is safe.”

“I’m sure Emma is doing alright.”

“How?” I snap back. “How can you be a hundred percent sure? From her voice message, it doesn’t seem so.”

“Getting in contact with anyone is dangerous,” he says mechanically. “If there is an investigation going on, the first thing they want to do is trace our location. If you call her, her phone records will show where the call has come from. We can’t risk it.”

“I can’t stay here without knowing how she is doing,” I tell him, my emotion stuck in my throat. “We have to do something.”

“I’ll call my lawyer in New York. He’s the only one I trust there, and he will reach Emma on your behalf. Alright?”

The idea that again I have to go through a middleman, especially to talk to my best friend, doesn’t sit well with me. But I guess for now I don’t have much of a choice. The last thing we need is for my parents to find us. And knowing how stubborn my mom is, she is most likely searching every single corner on earth to find me.

“Alright. Can you give him a message for her?”


Then I grab my iPhone and start typing relentlessly in my Notes app the first things that go through my mind: Emma, I’m fine and safe. I miss you so much, but unfortunately Alex Copyright 2016 - 2024