Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,150

hanging open as I realize something. “So, he already knew we were coming?”

“Oh yeah, he has got an entire reception planned for us.”

And I keep gaping at his comment. “But what if my parents find out?”

“No one knows we ran away. If anyone asks you, just say we came here to pay my dad a visit, alright?”

We hear footsteps approaching, and as we turn, we find a steward who says, “Mr. Van Dieren, the tender will be ready in about twenty-five minutes.”

“Thanks.” The young man nods before going back downstairs. “Let’s go. It’s a white party. We should get ready.”

Oh, there is even a dress code? “How many people will be there?” My heart starts racing as I think about crowds, inquisitive eyes, noise…

“Relax, just a few close friends of my dad’s.” Alex tries to appease me with a quick peck on the top of my head, but all I can think about is if I have a spare box of Xanax in my bag. Then, we leave the flybridge and go to our bedroom, where I start wondering if I also brought a white summer dress for the reception.

After closing the door behind us, Alex goes to the closet, where he takes a gift box from the shelf and a hanger with a long asymmetric linen dress.

Oh, I forgot how he plans everything ahead. He lays the dress on the bed and gives me the box.

“What is it?”

There is a trace of a smile settling on his lips as he says, “Your underwear for the evening.”

Oh boy… It reminds me of when he asked me to wear the black lace thong at his family estate and then the red corset for our night there. “You really love lingerie, don’t you?” As he cracks a quick chuckle, I pull off the ribbon and open the box, and I can’t help but raise my brows in total surprise. “You bought a white lace set?”

“I should’ve brought it to Aspen, but…” Oh, he’s had this since Aspen? “I think it’ll go well under your dress.”

After we shower, I realize it’s the first time during our trip that we’re getting dressed together. I really love seeing my fiancé putting his shirt on and closing every button one by one as he looks at himself in the full-length mirror. There is something extremely intimate about it.

“Um, this lingerie does everything but cover my skin.” I note, checking out how the lace bra has a lot of transparent fabric, which barely covers my nipples. Alex turns to face me, and his gaze travels from top to bottom without saying a word. He remains speechless, but his eyes are still glued on my body. At this point, I feel like I’m a Greek sculpture in an art museum.

“That set was really made for you.”

“Really?” And just when I thought I was looking bland in it. After all, I have very fair skin and small breasts—I never would have thought a white floral lace bra with no push-up would look good on me. All of a sudden, Alex takes me by the hand and brings me in front of the mirror. As he stands behind me, he kisses my shoulder and observes me in the mirror. “Lingerie is not meant to cover your skin…” Then his fingers linger softly around my right nipple in circular movements, and I shiver a bit at his touch. “It’s meant to enhance it.” His gaze then drifts all the way down to my butt. “Are you wearing the L?”

Oh, oh…

A blush comes over my cheeks at his question. “Um…”

“You are still wearing the M?” he asks with censoring eyes as he observes my expression in the mirror. “Today is the last day.”

“I know, but I’m just…”


“Well, that plug is big.”

Alex turns me around, and I’m now looking him in the eye. “You’ve had way bigger inside you. What are you afraid of?”

I just shrug my shoulders. “It’s not the same.”

“It is. Remove your plug.” He moves to the nightstand and opens the box, where he takes out the biggest one—the one I have no idea how it’ll feel inside. Jeez, when I thought I could get away with just wearing the S and M…

As I see him holding the big plug in his hand, I can’t help but ask, “Why do you want me to wear the big one at your dad’s party? Are you insane?”


“I prefer to keep the one I have in now. This one I’m used to, and Copyright 2016 - 2024