Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,57

every now and then, sir. This girl right here definitely needs more girl time.”

I snickered beneath her hand, and she rolled her eyes at me. “Mind. Gutter.”

The three of us giggled maniacally, clinked our glasses together, and drank more.

I reached over and took a chip with a ton of melted cheese and toppings before popping it in my mouth and chewing with my eyes closed, savoring it.

“So, who read the news yesterday?” Black Hole asked.

My eyes opened as I answered, “I never read the news.”

“But the stories are so ridiculous and fun at times,” Alura said. “Like they tried to say I am a witch and put hexes on people.”

I scoffed. “You are the least witch-y person I know.”

“She is a bit strange at times,” Crystal said with a scowl, then smiled wide and added, “which is why I like her.”

Alura smiled at Crystal. “Your aura is dazzling. I could stare at it all day!”

“Well now I feel like chopped liver,” I muttered and stuck my lip out in a pout.

Both hugged me tightly.

“You’re the cutest chopped liver ever!” Crystal said.

“Are they always like this?” Tremor asked Gargoyle.

He chuckled. “Only when they drink.”

“Tomorrow, we should go shopping,” Crystal suggested.

Alura nodded.

“I have a date,” I whispered to them.

Both turned to me and asked simultaneously, “With who?”

“T,” I answered.

Crystal scowled as she tried to figure out who that was.

Alura said, “Oh, the billionaire.”

“How many guys are you dating?” Crystal asked.

“Four,” I answered immediately.

“I can barely handle one,” Crystal said and whistled. “Well, I’m currently at zero.”

“I can totally fix that,” Alura said, glanced at Tremor, and then looked back at Crystal.

“Stop trying to play matchmaker,” Black Hole ordered Alura.

She stuck her tongue out at him. “I do what I want.”

“These conversations should be saved for our girls’ nights,” I reminded Alura.

She sighed. “Fine.”

“So, I heard there are more Gavrud around lately,” Tremor said to Gargoyle.

He nodded with a scowl. “I know. I’ve been exterminating them as quickly as possible, but they keep coming and don’t seem to be taking the hint.”

“Why are they coming?” I asked. I hadn’t gotten a chance to talk to him too much about it.

“I think they’re trying to find a new planet to take over,” he whispered, his body began to turn grey, like it did right before he shifted, but then it turned tan again and he looked up at me with a smile. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll just keep killing them and keep this planet safe.”

“We should go to a fight,” Hurricane suggested after chugging the rest of his beer.

“A fight?” Tremor asked.

“Yeah, a mixed-martial arts match,” Vortex said. “We go once a month. They’re fun to watch.”

“Don’t you get enough fighting with your day jobs?” Alura asked.

Every male at our table shook their heads.

“Perfect!” Crystal shouted. “You all go to that and the three of us will spend time together on our girls’ night.”

“But I sort of want to go too,” I whispered and fidgeted with the hem of my shirt. Did it make me weird that I wanted to go watch the fights, too?

“You would,” Alura said with a sigh. “That is who you are though.”

“What if we split up into two groups?” Crystal suggested. “Men and women, but separately?”

“Only if we get to meet up at the end,” Gargoyle said and winked at me.

I laughed.

The guys began telling stories about their greatest feats, and I listened silently.

It wasn’t often that a group of people gathered together and got along so well.

I wasn’t surprised that Crystal, Alura, and I got along, but that all of the guys got along as well was interesting.

Though, if they were ones that got along with us and we thought they were worthy of dating, it shouldn’t have surprised me too much.

Alura leaned on me and played with my hair as she drank and ate.

Normally, she didn’t drink so much, which made me worry that something had happened during their mission today, but I didn’t want to ask tonight.

Tomorrow, I would ask her tomorrow.

“So, how did you get your powers?” Tremor asked me.

Gargoyle tensed, and said, “It’s probably not something she wants to talk about.”

I set my hand on his atop the table and smiled. “It’s okay.” I turned to Tremor. “Some newbie kidnappers grabbed me and tried to use me for ransom. They ended up dropping me into a vat of toxic goo and voila, here I am.”

“OSHA really needs to up their game,” Hurricane muttered.

At that, everyone burst into laughter.

“Wait, isn’t this date tomorrow with your Copyright 2016 - 2024