Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,88

back in this disgraceful fashion—”

“She is not to blame, sir,” Jack interjected. “I am.”

“Indeed you are!” Fortin exclaimed, his voice rising as he leapt to his feet. The wrath and desperation in his tone implied he knew he was losing the battle. “Enough of this nonsense, your lordship,” he blustered while pointing at the door. “I insist you leave this house at once!”

Mrs. Pennant spoke up. “Remember that this is my house, Oliver.”

As Fortin ground his teeth, Jack realized that emotions between them had gotten too far out of control. He’d let his own frustration get the better of him, when he should have allowed time for his proposal to sink in. Therefore, he held up a hand and softened his tone. “You are right, sir. I had best take my leave for now.”

His offer of retreat, however, came too late for Fortin, who pushed past him and stalked out of the drawing room.

Jack cursed silently—an oath he repeated when he saw Mrs. Fortin holding her fingers to her temples, obviously distressed by the shouting.

Deciding to postpone his arguments before he said something even more damaging, he sketched a bow to Sophie’s mother. “I beg your pardon, Mrs. Fortin, for disturbing your evening.”

By now Sophie had risen to her feet. “Yes, you had best go, Jack,” she murmured, the distress on her face matching her mother’s. “I will speak to my father and try to make him see reason.”

Jack bowed again to the elder ladies, then favored Sophie with one final glance before turning on his heel to leave.

Sophie watched him go with a heavy heart. The interview had unfolded with even worse results than she’d feared—although Jack’s declaration of love had shocked and thrilled her, and his last, lingering look had been searing.

She didn’t know if he was truly serious, or if he had only claimed to love her to bolster his case, yet she had no time to worry about it now, with her father so livid and her mother so visibly upset. Rebecca had been feeling better of late, but this altercation was threatening her hard-won tranquility. Just now she was gazing down at her lap, plucking fretfully at the fabric of her skirts.

Sophie hesitated, torn between wanting to comfort her mother and needing to implore her father.

Evidently her Aunt Eunice sensed her need, for the lady gestured toward the door. “See to your father, Sophie,” she ordered, sitting beside Rebecca and taking her hand bracingly. “I will stay with your mother.”

Sophie threw Mrs. Pennant a grateful look while apologizing. “Mama, please forgive me for abandoning you like this, but I really must speak to Papa.”

It was some consolation when her mother nodded.

When Sophie went to find her father, she discovered he’d taken refuge in the study. At first he refused even to look at her, but then he raised his head sharply. “I forbade you to associate with that Wilde scoundrel, and now I learn that not only have you been conniving with the family who is our mortal enemy, you want to marry him!”

Sophie tried to quell her frustration. “If you had read the journal, Papa, you would see the Wildes were not to blame for your grandfather’s death.”

“Blast the damned journal! I vehemently object to his suit for other reasons, and you know it. A foreigner, no matter how noble, is nothing compared to an English duke. You would be a grand duchess, Sophie.”

“And I would be a princess if I married Jack. Papa, his father lives in a splendid palace. Prince Raoul’s fortune is fifty times greater than the duke’s. Besides, a title is not important to me. You are the only one who cares about rank. Lord Jack doesn’t care either. In fact, he adamantly does not want to be a prince. He is only making such an extreme sacrifice for my sake, so you would approve our union.”

Her father’s gaze grew even darker. “And what of the sacrifices I have made for you? Your mother has made? This is the thanks we get—betrayed by our own daughter.”

Pain cut Sophie deeply, but she would not back down.

Perhaps recognizing her resolve, her father continued more stridently. “I cannot express how grieved I am. But even though you care nothing for my feelings, you should consider your poor mother’s. You will break her heart, you well know.”

She couldn’t refute him, Sophie reflected. She was trying to form a response when she realized her mother and great-aunt had followed her into the study.

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