Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,89

put my oar in,” Mrs. Pennant announced, moving to stand before him. “You are behaving like a veritable ass, Oliver.”

When his scowl intensified, Rebecca chimed in with a quieter, placating tone, attempting to play peacemaker and mediator. “Perhaps we have been too hasty to judge, Oliver.” Rebecca turned to Sophie. “Tell me, my love, do you return Lord Jack’s affections?”

A sliver of hope blossomed inside Sophie. “I do, Mama.”

Rebecca searched her face earnestly. “I did not realize it had gone so far.”

Her father made a scoffing sound. “Because you had no idea of her deception. An ungrateful child is sharper than a serpent’s tooth.”

Ignoring his accusation, Rebecca held Sophie’s gaze. “I would never recommend his lordship as a reliable husband, but if he makes you happy …”

“He does, truly.”

“Well then …” She turned back to her husband. “Oliver, would it be so very bad if we released Sophie from her obligations to us and to the duke and allowed her to wed Lord Jack?”

“Certainly it would! She is not breaking her engagement to Dunmore only a few weeks after she accepted his offer. Can you imagine the scandal?”

When her mother refrained from replying, Sophie took a deep breath. “Thank you for understanding, Mama. Papa, I am truly sorry to cause you pain, but I will not be marrying his grace, whether or not you approve of Lord Jack.”

Moving forward, she kissed her mother’s soft cheek. “Now, if only you could persuade Papa to read the journal, I would be forever grateful,” she murmured. “I believe it is still in his possession since he never had a chance to return it.” Then Sophie addressed her great-aunt. “Aunt Eunice, may I borrow your carriage for a short while?”

“For what purpose?”

“I urgently need to speak to Jack.”

“But of course. I would drive you myself if I weren’t so fagged from the journey.” Far from appearing fatigued, however, the elderly lady looked as if she was relishing the fireworks.

Her gibe only made Oliver more irate—an emotion that was compounded when Sophie turned and headed toward the door.

“Sophie, don’t you dare walk away while I am speaking to you.”

“I must, Papa.”

“If you leave this house, you will regret it!”

“I know, but I will regret it more if I don’t.”

She kept moving. She had no choice. She had to discover if Jack had meant his startling declaration of love.

She paused only long enough to fetch her cloak and reticule before making her way out to the mews behind the house, where she ordered her aunt’s carriage harnessed.

As she waited, Sophie pressed a hand to her abdomen, trying to stifle the butterflies that were rioting there, brought on by excitement and apprehension.

Once inside the barouche, however, Sophie changed her mind and directed the coachman to the Duke of Dunmore’s London abode. She could not honorably enter into a new engagement with another man without first ending her current betrothal. And she wanted no impediments when she finally went to Jack and freely offered herself to him as his bride.

Sophie felt fortunate to discover the duke at home. When she was admitted to a richly appointed parlor, Dunmore appeared surprised yet happy to see her, flashing her a warm smile and taking her hands in his.

“My dear, this is a delightful development. When did you return from Paris?”

“Just this afternoon, your grace.”

“I was not aware of your arrival in London or I would have called on you at once.” He glanced toward the door, a question in his eyes. “Is Mrs. Pennant not with you?”

“I came alone. I wished to speak to you on a matter of great urgency.”

His smile faded, whether in disapproval at her unchaperoned evening visit to his home or concern over what she might have to say, Sophie couldn’t tell.

When he offered her a seat on a sofa, she hesitated. She wanted to let the duke down gently, for he was a sensitive and kind soul and didn’t deserve the pain she was about to bring him.

Easing her hands from his, she sat down and beckoned for him to sit beside her. When he complied, his expression was grave but attentive.

Sophie kept her voice low as she began. “You understand what it is to love, your grace, isn’t that so? You are said to have loved your late wife dearly.”

His features softened. “I did indeed love her very much.”

“Well …” Sophie hoped her own features conveyed remorse. “I have a confession to make.… I am in love with someone else.”

“I see.” He did not Copyright 2016 - 2024