Lover Be Mine A Legendary Lovers Novel - By Nicole Jordan Page 0,87

where they exchanged fond farewells with his family. Afterward, the remaining Wildes traveled on to their own elegant Mayfair homes and Jack drove to Montagu Place, where he spent the afternoon catching up on his business and personal affairs. When Sophie’s note arrived by messenger, asking him to call after dinner, Jack dressed carefully and arrived at the Pennant abode feeling like a knight going into battle for his lady fair.

He was admitted by the butler and shown into the drawing room, where the family was gathered. Mr. Fortin was perusing a newspaper, while Sophie read aloud to her mother and her great-aunt.

Mrs. Pennant welcomed Jack readily and Sophie favored him with a quiet smile, but Fortin gave an abrupt start upon seeing him. “What the devil is he doing here, Eunice?”

“He is properly paying his respects to me,” replied Mrs. Pennant calmly. “Did I not tell you, Oliver? Lord Jack was in Paris with us for the last fortnight, at my invitation.”

At her bald announcement, Mrs. Fortin looked troubled, while a scowl pulled Mr. Fortin’s brows together.

“At your invitation? How could you have jeopardized Sophie’s betrothal so callously? Dunmore will be severely displeased.”

Thinking it time to state his case, Jack approached the armchair where Fortin was seated. “My circumstances have changed since I last spoke to you, sir. I am here to apply for your daughter’s hand in marriage.”

Fortin froze and stared up at Jack in disbelief. “Have you gone demented?”

“Not at all. I stand to inherit a princedom now. My father is Prince Raoul de Villars of Navartania, a small but very wealthy country that borders France, and I am heir to his throne.”

Fortin looked both incredulous and suspicious. “Is this some sort of spiteful jest?” he asked Mrs. Pennant.

She shook her head, not bothering to hide her satisfaction. “Indeed it is not. Lord Jack is now Prince Jacques of Navartania.”

As Fortin looked dumbstruck, Jack pressed his request. “I very much wish to wed your daughter, Mr. Fortin, and would like your permission to advance my suit.”

Fortin suddenly snapped out of his paralysis. “No, absolutely not. Under no circumstances would I ever consider such a ridiculous proposal. I will brook no connection with the villain who slew my grandfather.”

With great effort Jack bit back a sharp retort as Fortin went on muttering. “What nerve you have.… The blood of murderers runs in your veins, and I will not have it tainting my lineage.”

“Your grasp of your family history is sorely lacking,” Jack said curtly. “There is no rational reason to continue the feud, as you would see if you had bothered to read my great-uncle’s journal.”

Fortin’s jaw clenched. “My objection to your union is not solely because of the feud. My daughter will not turn down a duke for a foreign princeling who was born on the wrong side of the blanket. The very notion is anathema. I won’t have you besmirching the good name of Fortin.”

“Sir …” Jack began, striving for patience.

“Pray, not another word, my lord. I demand you keep away from my daughter. I intend to guard Sophie from the likes of such riffraff as you.”

“Papa!” Sophie interjected in a pleading tone.

Jack could appreciate a father wanting to protect his daughter, but suspected Fortin’s motives were not so pure.

“I imagine your interest in securing Dunmore for your daughter,” Jack drawled with accusatory edge, “is more about improving your own fortunes than hers. Otherwise, you would put her needs before your own greed.”

Fortin glared. “How dare you! I do care about her needs.”

“I beg to differ. I can make your daughter far happier than Dunmore ever could.”

“I seriously doubt that.”

“If so, you don’t know her well. And you clearly have no concern for her wishes.”

“And you do?”

“Certainly I do. I love her and intend to devote my life to ensuring her happiness.”

He heard Sophie’s soft gasp, and when he caught her eye, he saw her shock. Jack kept his own surprise to himself, though. He hadn’t known he would utter those fateful words until he’d said them, but his declaration felt right.

Fortin was still glaring, while Mrs. Fortin pressed a hand to her mouth in consternation.

Jack continued on. “Sophie doesn’t want Dunmore as her husband.”

Fortin turned to her. “Is this true? You don’t want to wed Dunmore?”

“No, Papa, I don’t.”

His features, which were flushed an angry red, showed his struggle to absorb her disclosure. “I am grievously disappointed in you, Sophie,” Fortin finally said. “More than that, I am ashamed. That you would go behind my Copyright 2016 - 2024